Episode 3: Revelations

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Renjun: Hmm, are you keeping something from me?

Y/N: I'll tell you tomorrow, okay? I still need to sort some things out.

Renjun: Hmph, since when did you and him get so close?

He crosses his arms over his chest and stops eating.

Y/N: Aww, are you jealous? Don't worry, no one can ever take your place.

I pinch his cheeks and move them left to right. He complains and makes me let go as I laugh.

Renjun: They'd be dead before they even got close to you. I don't know how I'm surviving.

Y/N: Yah! Wanna die?

Renjun: Gladly.

Y/N: Shut up.

Renjun: Make me *pulls tongue*

I hit his shoulder which makes him whine again and this time I'm the one pulling my tongue at him.

~After School~


Jaemin: What'd you want to see me about?

Y/N: I don't know how to say this but... I feel like you need to know.

Jaemin: What is it?

Y/N: I uhh... I have a crush back in Canada and he looks a lot like you so I feel like I might be making you a replacement for him...

I stare at him, waiting for a reaction but he gave me one I didn't expect.

He laughed.

He actually laughed and I was dumbstruck. Why's he laughing?! I'm being serious over here.

Y/N: What the hell Jaemin, I'm not joking you know. This has been eating me up since I said yes to you.

I pout and cross my arms over my chest and soon enough he stopped laughing. He took a step closer and put his hands in his pockets.

Jaemin: I'm sorry... I just– can I tell you a secret?

I huff but still nod my head and he gives me a warm smile before speaking again.

Jaemin: I know you're a star.

My eyes widen and my hands fall to my sides as I stare at him with my mouth agape.

Y/N: H-How?

How could he possibly have found out? I look around me to see if the earth was splitting open, nothing.

I looked at myself all over to see if I felt any pain anywhere but still, nothing. How is this possible?

How can a human know my secret and I'm not entirely losing it? Why am I not in pain, why is nothing happening?


I look back up at him and a cheeky smile plays on his lips.

Y/N: No way...

I cover my mouth with my hands and take a step back suddenly scared even though I shouldn't be.

The only way he could know without me telling him is if he were a noble. Only nobles can tell their people apart from other mortals.

And he wasn't just any noble. He's the one I've been crushing on for almost a year now.

Jaemin laughs as he takes a step closer to me again. I don't move this time as I stare at him in awe.

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