Season 2 Episode 8: The Right Future (Finale)

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-Living Room-

Taeyong rushed across the house as he went into the secret storage unit.

He immediately punched in the pass code causing the door to the warehouse to open. Chenle hurried to the reckless prince sensing trouble.

Chenle: My lord! They're not ready!

Taeyong: Silence!

Taeyong pushes Chenle out of the way as he enters the room and heads over to the control panel.


He looks over the controls not understanding much but he saw a big green button which said "On".

He pressed it and all the cases opened letting all of the robots free. They all switched on, a red light flashing where their eyes should be.

Chenle: My lord, this is not a good idea!

Taeyong: I said silence! Just make sure these dumb things fight on my side!

Without paying any heed to his advice, Taeyong stomped out of the room back into the living room where Jaemin was now on the number two. Smirking, he teleports himself outside with his hands up in surrender.


The countdown stops as Taeyong comes out. Everyone has their weapons up and pointing at him, ready for the worst. Y/N watches from a distance, Yangyang next to her, as they're propped up onto a building far away enough to not be seen by anyone.

Taeyong: I see you've found me brother.

He begins moving and Jaemin's army charge up their weapons, ready to attack.

Jaemin: Did you think we wouldn't? You've been very messy lately after having been so secretive for the past 57 years.

Taeyong: What can I say? I was getting bored. Oh, by the way, I heard you got married, congratulations. Where's your beautiful bride? Did she not come with you?

Jaemin clenches his jaw upon the mention of Y/N.

Taeyong: You know, it was really fun messing with her. Won't you share her with me? We can both have some fun that way.

A coy smile plays on Taeyong's lips while Jaemin's eyes blaze a frightful blue, ice crystals forming around his feet making Taeyong satisfied.

Taeyong: I see you still let your emotions rule you. That's what makes you weak brother. It's why you lost last time.

A door opens behind Taeyong making him smirk.

Taeyong: It's also why you'll lose today.

The robots come marching out making the ground shake as they all assemble behind Taeyong. Jaemin knew that Korilant was good with its machines but he couldn't have predicted that Taeyong would end up using robots as an army.

Jaemin stood firm on his ground as Jaehyun signalled for all the soldiers to not be afraid. However, this was not a good thing for Y/N, it meant she had to be even more careful if she wanted to stay safe today.

There weren't a lot of robots, just about a hundred of them which meant that in terms of man power, Noresen had the advantage. However, Korilant's robots would be difficult to defeat even with the increased man power.

Taeyong: Attack!

Jaemin sealed himself up again as headed straight into the battlefield. Y/N watched with Yangyang from a distance as Taeyong blasted fire over his robots to make them hot enough for Noresen's soldiers to not be able to touch them.

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