[1] The takeover

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Lane's POV:

Today is the day. For the past twenty-one years, I've been the leader of Cobras and in those twenty-one years a lot has changed, things have been tougher and we've had to become smarter.

Three years into my taking over was when it started to go downhill, officer Bradley stepped down as head police officer of springs and our alliance was broken, we no longer had the cops on our side, rather they were out to get us.

Because of this, we had to change everything up, we had to be one step ahead. First, we cleared out the warehouse and then it was set on fire, we then moved everything into a new building, a building known to the outside world as Raven Corporations, an office building with nothing at all to do with the Cobras, or so the police think. Our security systems were stepped up as well as general training and now not only did we need to be physically fit, we needed to be mentally fit as well, we had to play smart and be on top of our game at all times.

A lot has changed for the Raven/Cameron family over the years, we've grown up, our friends have grown up, our children have grown up, our families have grown together. We've lost a lot of people we love along the way like my Grandma and then my Grandfather just two short years later, but we've gained so much as well.

Making my way through the front door of Cobra HQ, I enter my pin and the door unlocks, locking again once it's closed behind me.

Making my way down the hall I head towards the meeting room. Loud moaning comes from one of the office rooms.

"Ohh yes baby, right there."

Screwing my face up, I keep walking to the end of the hall where I find my sister Charlie and best friend Jordan along with his wife Jill all waiting.

"Good morning brother dear, nice of you to join us." Charlie grins from her spot at the head of the table, her husband Zay right by her side.

"Me? Where the hell is everyone else? Where are our kids?"

"In their offices still." She shrugs

"And everyone else?"

"Don't know." She shrugs once more

"I guess I'll go and find them." I huff and exit the room.

I make my way back down the hall to the office rooms. From the corner of my eye Scarlet, a girl my son Easton sometimes spends time with who also happens to be a member of the Cobras appears and hurries off down the hall to the exit.

A moment later Easton's door opens and he stands there doing up his pants and his belt. The door across the hall opens as well, revealing Evie, my niece, Charlie and Zay's daughter and her boyfriend of seven years Leo who happens to be Jordan and Jill's son.

"Please don't tell me you two fucked on the desk in there." I huff

"Uh, no." She shakes her head "it was against the wall." She grins

"And you." I turn to my son Easton "I saw Scarlet leaving your room, no doubt you got your dick sucked under the desk."

"A man has needs dad, a man has needs." He smirks

"What are you people running here? A whore house? Get your asses in the meeting room now." I shout

Bloody kids......

"Hi daddy." Amara, my daughter who is now twenty-three years old calls from behind me

"Hi sweetheart." I smile turning to face her "You ready for the meeting?"

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