[28] Cars and Clubs

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Easton's POV:

It's been two weeks since I made things official with Aubrey. Sure maybe my time and place wasn't the best, and I didn't really ask her, I sort of told her. But what was everyone expecting from me? I fairytale date and a girlfriend proposal, no way, that's not me. 

Everything has been perfect between the two of us, and now that we're officially together she's moved the remainder of her things into the house. She still has her own bedroom set up, but her clothes are now in my room in the second half of the wardrobe, where they belong.

"Hello, your older and much better-looking cousin speaking," I answer the phone with a grin

"Do you always answer the phone like that?" Zay laughs on the other end of the phone 

"Only to piss off Reid." I laugh back "Why are you calling from his phone?" 

"Work lines are down again." He huffs softly "Anway, I'm calling about Aubrey's car." 

"What was the issue?" 

"What's right with this thing? Honestly, between you and I, she needs a new car. She won't let me work on this thing without paying me and there is way too much that needs to be fixed, I can't keep taking money from her.

"She's rather stubborn isn't she?" I grin softly 

"No wonder you like her so much, you're the same person." 

"I don't know, I think she's a little sweeter than me." 

"That wouldn't be hard." 

"Funny." I fake laugh and roll my eyes "Alright, leave it with me, I'll get her a new car, send that one to scrapers."

"You'll buy her a new car? She's your girlfriend and I feel like I know her better then you do, there is no way she's going to let you buy her a new car." 

"I know, but I'm smarter then you think I am." I grin once more "I'll talk to you later." 

"Good morning." Aubrey smiles as she skips down the stairs dressed in a pair of shorts and a black top. Her hair is out and straight and she has a light amount of make-up on her beautiful face. 

"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" 

"Excellently" she smiles as she reaches me and presses a kiss to my lips

"Good." I kiss her back and move her hair from her face. "We have a few hours before we head into the club, I've been thinking, maybe it's time for me to get a new car." 

"A new car?" she asks looking up at me in surprise "But the car you have now is so nice, why would you want to trade it in?" 

"I wouldn't be trading it in, I'd just be adding to the collection." 

"I guess that makes sense." She shrugs softly "Well, I don't know a thing about cars, but I'm happy to come and look with you." she pauses for a moment. "Speaking of cars, I thought Zay would have called by now about my car, did you hear from him?" 

"They're working on it as we speak." I lie and press my lips to her forehead. "Go and get your bag and we'll leave." 

We arrive at the car yard and I park my car at the front doors. The second I step out the dealers make their way over. "Easton nice to see you again." One greets 

"You too." I nod and take Aubreys hand as she stands next to me, a little shy. 

"I didn't think we'd see you back so soon, it's only been a year." another adds 

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