[2] Her

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"Mum are you home?" I yell as I close the front door behind me

"I'm in the kitchen" She yells back

"Hi." I smile softly as I enter the kitchen with a bunch of flowers in one hand and a box from the jewelry store in the other

"Hi." she turns to face me with a smile

"These are for you." I hand her the flowers and box "I'm really sorry I missed your birthday, and that I've been so selfish lately."

"Sweetie I-"

"Please let me finish" I take a deep breath and she nods. "I'm going to try really hard to get back to being the boy you raised, somehow he just got lost along the way between boy and man."

"Oh Sweetie." She places the gifts down and pulls me in for a hug "No matter what, you're my son and I love you." She rubs my back "I really appreciate you bringing these over."

I pull back from the hug a moment later and give her a soft smile "Open it then."

"Right" She laughs and takes the box sliding the top cover off so she can open the box.

"This is the bracelet I showed you in the window weeks ago." She says surprised

"I went back and got it the next day," I admit

"See." she smiles "You're still my sweet boy."

"I'm trying." I laugh

Amara steps into the kitchen wearing a burnt orange coloured dress, tight and hugging her curves. I hate going out with my sister, I'm always in overprotective big brother mode. My sister is a beautiful girl, she has long, jet black hair and huge blue eyes, she's almost identical to our grandmother Amity at the same age and even though she doesn't seem to notice, she gets the attention of every man in the room when she walks in. I can't count the amount of fights I've been in because of her.

"You're not wearing that out are you?"

"Yes, I am, why?" she huffs

"It's just a little, much isn't it?"

"No Easton it isn't a little much, I like it and I'm wearing it."

"Okay." I hold my hands up in defense "No need to snap."

"You're so much like dad some times" she huffs once more "What do you think Mum?" she questions turning to our mother.

"I wore much worse when I was your age." Mum laughs

"I better get home and get dressed, do you need to me come back and pick you up?"

"No, Nate's coming to get me." She shrugs

"Nate?" I raise a brow "Nate, my best mate Nate is coming here to get you, and you're going to the club together, just the two of you?"

"That's what I said." 


"Because I asked him if he was going and he said yes, and I asked him to pick me up and he said he would, what's with all the questions." 

"Nothing, I'll see you later."

I arrive at the club right on seven and walk myself over to the bar. I spot my crazy family right away, Leo, Evie, Romee, Amara, Nate, Reid and a blonde girl I'm assuming is his date who isn't his date standing around drinking and laughing.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Hey man." Reid grins and wraps his arm around my shoulder, facing me towards his friend. "Easton this is Emi, Emi this is my cousin Easton who owns the place and has promised us free drinks all night."

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