[49] Goodbye

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Aubrey's POV:

It's been a week since Easton's death and as of today my due date is just three weeks away. 

In three weeks it's meant to be the day we meet our baby girl for the first time, we're meant to be holding her for the first time, becoming a family for the first time. But that's never going to happen, not in three weeks, not ever, because Easton is no longer here. 

Easton's body was buried in Italy, arranged by Don Lorenzo and his men. Because of this, we are unable to hold an official funeral for him, but we do have a small memorial service planned for him in the next couple of days, pending Alena's birth of course.

I make my way downstairs dressed in one of Easton's shirts and some shorts. Since I've been back at home I haven't left the house again. I spend most of my time sleeping and when I'm not sleeping I'm crying or watching TV. I know this isn't what Easton wanted for me, I know he doesn't want me to be sitting at home crying, he wants me to be happy, he wants me to be strong but I just can't be, not anymore.

Easton helped me through the loss of Claire, the love he had for me was enough to keep me going, but without him, no one can give me that same love, and no one will ever be able to again.

I sit down in front of the TV with a bowl of coco pops and milk and rest the bowl on my stomach, eating them slowly.

Knock knock knock

"Coming" I yell and sit the bowl down on the side table before standing up and making my way down the hall to the door. 

Once I reach the door, I pull it open revealing Caleb. 

"Hey." he smiles softly

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I just came to check you're okay?"

"Oh yeah I'm wonderful, my baby is almost due and my fiancé is dead, I'm perfect."

"Aubrey." He sighs softly "that's not what I mean."

"I'm sorry." I shake my head looking down, ashamed with myself "that wasn't called for." I hold the door open "come in if you like."

He makes his way into the house and we enter the living room, sitting down together.

"How's Romee?"

"She's good, she's spending some time at home with the family, every one of them is hurting right now."

"How's school?" I attempt to change the subject once again

"School is fine, now stop trying to change the subject."

"Caleb I don't want to talk about it, he's gone and he isn't coming back, he promised me would but he broke his promise." Tears slide down my cheeks once more.

"Aubrey, we're all here for you, you're not alone." He places his hand on mine

"I know this is going to sound selfish but without him, I feel like I am alone, I've never felt so alone in my life."

"Come here." He wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. "You're never going to be alone Aubs, you have our family and his family and very soon you'll have your baby girl as well, you'll never be alone again."

I cry softly in his arms as I snuggle in close. I so badly want him to be my Easton, but he isn't, he's not even close.

"Who's staying with you tonight?" He questions

"I'm not sure, Amara and Shay have already had their turn, Evie and Charlie as well."

"I'll stay with you tonight." He whispers and places a kiss on my head once more.

"You sure Romee will be okay with that?"

"She'll be fine with it. I love you Aubrey, she knows that and she knows I don't love you the way I love her, there is no issue here."

As promised Caleb spent the night with me, we ordered take out and watched movies and we talked. When it came to sleep time we made our way upstairs and I, of course, went to mine and Easton's room. Caleb followed and sat down on the edge of the bed next to me.

"Do you want me to stay in here with you?"

"No." I shake my head "everything smells like Easton, I want it to stay that way."

"I understand." Caleb nods as he tucks me in and kisses the top of my head. "I'll be right across the hall if you need me." He stands up and hits the lights exiting the room.

I wake to shooting pains in my back and stomach and sit up, breathing out through my teeth. "Caleb," I call loudly.

Shakily I step out into the floor, another sharp pain hitting me hard. "Caleb!" I yell out in pain.

"Aubrey, what is it?" He runs into the room and hits the lights.

"I think the baby is coming."

"Okay, is your bag packed?"

"In the wardrobe, Easton packed it before he left."

He runs to the wardrobe and pulls it out placing it over his shoulder, then picks me up bridal style and carries me down the stairs and out to the door to his car.

"Do you want me to call mum? Shay? Amara?" He questions as he puts my seatbelt on

"No" I shake my head, pains shooting through me once more

"Are you sure?"

"Just drive Ca." I winch in pain

He runs to the drivers' side and gets in starting the car before speeding off out of the driveway.

We arrive at the hospital and Caleb assists me walking me. Slowly I take each step, one foot in front of the other.

"Can I get some help please," Caleb calls to a nearby nurse as we enter 

"Hi, you okay?" She questions as she makes her way over

Sweat is now pouring down my face and I can feel my face getting paler and paler by the second. I can't do this, I can't do this without him.

"This is Aubrey I think she's in labor." Caleb speaks

"I'll be back with a chair, you look very pale love." The nurse comments and sprits off to get a wheelchair

"I can't, I can't- I"

And that is the last word I speak before hitting the floor, hard. Everything around me is black, everything around me is quiet, I hear a single thing until I do, Easton.

"Aubrey, Sweetheart you need to get up our little girl is ready to meet you."

Either I'm dead or I've lost my mind because all I can see is Easton and all I can hear is his voice.

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