[54] Old friends

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It's been a week since I arrived home and Aubrey and I are still working through things. We've been sleeping the same bed, having sex, kissing, telling each other we love each other and taking care of Alena together but something gives me the vibe Aubrey still doesn't one hundred percent trust that I won't leave her again, that I won't pull something like this on her again, and really I can't blame her.

Buzzz buzzz buzzz

"Hello?" I answer my phone.

"Mother fucker is back from the dead." The male voice smirks on the other end of the phone

"Nicho Marino, long time no talk."

"It's a little hard to talk to the dead isn't it?" He laughs "I have to admit East you really had me going there for a moment, I almost cried for you."

"Almost? Come on, Nicho Marino doesn't have feelings so that can't be true."

"My feelings are hurt at that comment actually." He laughs "Anyway, the family and I are in town and we were wondering if you're up for a visit?"

"Yeah for sure, you know my door is always open whenever you guys are in town."

"I'm glad, because we're here. So open the gate would you." He hangs up the phone.

Nicho Marino, son of mafia leader Dalton Marino. Dalton and my father go way back to their early twenties when they were both stepping up to become the next generation of leaders. Dalton and Dad formed an alliance right back then and that alliance has been held to this day. The cobras run the west cost and Dalton and his crew run the East cost, we don't step on each other's toes, we help each other out when we need it and above all else we respect each other and treat each other as family.

Nicho and I have been friends since we were kids, he would often come on trips with his dad when our fathers where making plans or talking work. Both Nicho and I knew one day we'd grow up to become leaders and at age ten, we made a packed to always have each other's backs.

At this point Dalton still hasn't stepped down as leader, but he's getting older as are all our parents, so I'm sure it won't be long until it's Nicho's turn.

I make my way the door and buzz them in, the gates opening. A moment later the car zooms up the driveway, parks, and Nicho steps out with a grin. "I see dead people" he laughs

"Don't let my girl hear you joking like that, I only just made it back to the bedroom." I joke

"Come on East, you know me I would never cockblock you like that." He winks

"So you are always this annoying?" A pretty brunette says with a grin as she steps out of the passenger side door, looking at Nicho.

Nicho takes her hand and together they walk up the stairs, meeting me at the top

"Easton this is Sophia, Sophia this is Easton Raven an old friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you." She smiles politely

"Nice to meet you." I smile back and hold the door open "come on in, Aubrey should be down in a moment she's just dressing Alena."

I lead them to the living room and we sit down together. "So, what brings you to town?"

"You know, family stuff." He shrugs

"Mmm, I know all about family stuff." I roll my eyes. "How's your dad?" I change the subject unaware of if Sophia knows about Nicho's job or not.

"Good, he's in town, He's going drinking with your dad today actually"

"I hope our mothers are going, you know how they are when they've been drinking."

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