[40] pregnant

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Easton's POV:

Amara rushes to the door as soon as she sees us pull into the driveway "What happened? Is she okay?"

"She's fine." I assure her. I take Aubreys hand and help her out of the car.

"Aubrey, thank God." Amara throws her arms around her and Aubrey reruns the hug, holding her close.

We make our way inside and sit down in the living room. "I'm sorry you had to find out like that." Aubrey says softly

"Don't be silly, this is wonderful news, I'm just sorry you had to go through all of this," Dad replies with a sympathetic look on his face

"What news?" Amara questions as she takes a seat next to Aubrey

"I'm pregnant" she gives her a soft smile

"You are? Oh my gosh, congratulations."

"They know about the baby, the Colombians know about the baby and we hadn't yet told a soul, no one but me, Aubrey and Sara knew about the baby, we made sure to keep it off the official hospital records for this very reason," I inform

"So they've been following you, listening somehow," Lane states as he shakes his head. "We just can't win, first the Russians, now the Colombians."

"Why would they be after us?" Amara questions

"They were working with the Russians, they've taken over the human trafficking so I've been messing with their supplies."

"Bad move." Chet speaks up and shakes his head "You're playing with fire here Easton."

"What do you want me to do Pops? Just sit back and allow innocent girls to be trafficked? For them to be raped multiple times a day by different men, for them to beaten, drugged? What if that was my daughter? What if that was Aubrey?" I shout.

"You know what Nate and Leo found images of just a few days ago? Whoever has been ballooning the drugs has no idea what they're doing, they've been bursting inside the girls and they die, but it doesn't stop there, they've been cutting them open chest to pelvis and fishing the drugs out so they don't lose the supply and then throw them to the bin like they're trash."

"I'm going to be sick." Aubrey stands you and runs to the downstairs bathroom as quickly as she can.

"I won't stop." I stand up looking between dad and grandad. "I won't stop until they're stoped. Every gram I keep from them is a gram not being shoved down some innocent girl's throat."

I make my way into the bathroom where I find Aubrey with her head over the toilet, vomiting. I kneel down on the ground next to her and rub her back. "I'm sorry Sweetheart, I shouldn't have spoken about that in front of you."

She wipes her mouth in her arm and sits down on the ground exhausted facing me. "It's okay."

"Maybe I should put you into some kind of protection, I need to keep you both safe, you and the baby"

"No." She shakes her head "I'm not going into protection unless you're coming with me Easton. I'm not letting them tear us apart"

"It's not that simple"

"Then make it that simple. I'm not going Easton. Just twenty-four hours ago we were celebrating having a baby and now you want me to go and live somewhere without you? No." She stands up and washes her face and mouth with water at the basin

When she's done she faces me once more. " I choose this life Easton, and I knew it wasn't going to be all smooth sailing, but I'm not leaving your side, whatever is headed your way, we'll face it together."

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