[3] - Player

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Aubrey's POV:

Today has been a horrible day, first I lose my job and then on my way home the car decides to break down hence why I've been sitting at the bar alone for the last two hours, I mean how long does it take for someone to come and assist? I just hope it's nothing major because I didn't have the money before and that was when I had a job, so I defiantly don't have it now. 

I lead the good looking stranger out to my car. It's dark now and the street lights are on, the streets are quiet but the music from the club is loud. 

"You do this often then?"

"What? Help pretty girls in their time of need?" He grins and holds out his hand "Keys"

I take my keys from my pocket and place them in his hand "Helping pretty girls, is that what you call it?" 

"Oh," he grins "You heard that remark from Nate? The car sex thing? Don't worry I don't expect you to put out on the first night of us meeting." He winks 

I gulp slightly as his words "I-"

"Kidding, but yes I do make it my mission in life to help as many pretty girls as I can, in whatever way they might need my help." Once again, he's referring to sex

"I get it, you're a player, now will you tell me what's wrong with my car?" I fold my arms

"Oh, snarky, I like it." He smirks as he pops the hood and looks under it, moving a few things around. "I see," he calls from under the hood as he moves a few wires around. "Try starting it now." 

I step into the drivers' side and turn the key, the engine starting instantly. I shut it back off and step out as the male closes the hood. 

"What did you do?" 

"Loose wire." He shrugs "It's back in for now, but you should get it fixed properly just to be safe." 

"I'll be sure to do that with my last fifty dollars." I sigh and lean against the car door "Thank-you though, for getting it started I mean."

"I told you, helping pretty girls is my thing."

I turn to him and can't help but smile, there is something about him that draws me to him, he is really good looking, but it's not that, it's something more. "Okay, well, thank-you."

"You said that already." he gives me his famous grin once more 

"Right." I laugh and look down at my feet feeling stupid. "I best be getting home"

"Have a good night" He smiles and turns on his heel walking back towards the club. 

I step back into the car and close the door, locking it like I always do. In the last couple of years the crime levels in Springs have really started to rise, so day or night I keep my car doors locked, just in case. 

I make the short drive home and park my car in it's spot in the driveway, I step out and lock the door behind me then head up the two small steps to our front door. I unlock the door and step inside, pushing it closed and lock it once again 

"Claire, Caleb are you home?" I yell as I pull my jacket off and place it on the hook

"Living room," Claire calls back. 

Claire and Caleb Williams, brother and sister and my best friends for as long as I can remember. We grew up in Arizona and first met in middle school. Claire and Caleb have a really good relationship and I thank my lucky stars I have them in my life every day. I've lived with Claire and Caleb since I was thirteen, most of those years were in Arizona but for the last two years, we've been here in Springs, just the three of us. 

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