[19] Caleb

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I make my way into the house tears streaming down my face. Claire is at work today, but I know Caleb is home so I hope to avoid him as I close the front door quietly.

I walk past the living room with my head down and attempt to continue my walk down the hall.

"Aubrey," Caleb calls after me.

"Yes?" I ask still not facing him

"Look at me." He demands

I turn to face him and he shakes his head as he stands up making his way over to me "What the fuck did he do?" He asks in an angry tone.

As the tears roll down my cheeks I shake my head. "Please don't yell at me, I've had enough of that today."

He sighs softly and takes me into his arms, rubbing my back "I'm sorry." he whispers and kisses the top of my head. "Come on, let's go and lay down."

He takes my hand and leads me back to the living room. He lays down on the couch and pulls me down with him. I lay my head down on his chest and watch the T.V as he rubs my arm, soothing me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers

"No." I shake my head.

Everything is quiet for a while, as he just holds me. Slowly I bring my body up and look up at him "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."

"It's okay." He says as he leans down, his lips inches from mine.

I turn my head to the side slightly and press my lips to his softly, he does the same before pulling away and looking down at me. "You're so beautiful." He strokes my cheek and my insecurities give in.

"Room, now," I tell him as I stand and hold my hand out to him. We hurriedly walk to his room and I close the door behind us.

I pull my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra and leather skirt and crawl onto the bed on top of him, the second I reach him, I kiss him with an open mouth, swirling my tongue around his. He rolls his body slightly, in an attempt to take control, not once breaking the kiss.

Once I'm on my back, he keeps the kisses coming. I help him remove his shirt and he helps me slide out of my skirt.

"You really want this?" He questions looking down at me.

Rather than answer, I pull him back down to me kissing him hard. He continues like this, kissing and touching until we're both fully undressed.

On his knees, he reaches over and pulls his bedroom drawn open, pulling out a condom. He rips it open and throws the packet on the ground, then slides it over his hard length. I was right, Easton is definitely bigger than most.

Easton... damn it, stop thinking about stupid Easton.

Using his fingers he feels my core and finds I'm already wet, no foreplay is needed. He lines himself up at my entrance and begins to push himself in slowly.

I bite down on my bottom lip, hard as my body adjusts.

"Tell me to stop if I'm hurting you." He lays his body down a little further which somehow allows him to slide in a little deeper without to much pain.

"You good?" He questions as he looks down at me, he's entire length now inside me.

"Give me a second." I close my eyes for a moment and begin to rock my hips against his slowly.

He follows suit and after a while, it starts to feel good. I move harder against him, and he moves harder and faster as he pumps in and out.

This goes on for some time, both of us kissing, touching and fighting for dominance. And the longer it goes on, the more into it I become.

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