[43] Make up

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Easton's POV:

"Yes?" I ask a little surprised

"Yes" she says once more with a teary smile

I slide the ring onto her finger and pull her face to mine, kissing her gently "I'm so sorry for everything, if I could do it all over again I'd do everything differently."

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions."

"I'm sorry for making you feel that was the only explanation." I kiss her lips once more "But I mean what I said, Leo is taking over for a little while and I'm going to be home more, I don't want to miss any more times like on the couch last night, feeling our baby girl move." I move my lips from hers down her jaw and to her neck.

Reaching her neck, I savor it for a moment, leaving my mark as I suck gently on her skin. She moans softly and I feel myself become hard instantly. It's been months since we've been sexual and it's not because I haven't wanted to.

I remove the strap from her dress slowly and kiss down her neck to her shoulder. "East" She moans softly "Don't tease."

"I'm not teasing baby." I move my hands to hers and pull her up gently from the couch, and spin her quickly, pulling her back against my front as I begin my attack on her neck once more. I reach for the zipper on her dress and pull it down, then help her to step out of it.

I spin her back around and push her back on the couch gently, then get on my knees in front of her once more. "Lift," I whisper in her ear, my hands on her panties.

She lifts her body from the couch, and I remove her panties slowly. I spread her legs apart and slowly, teasing, begin to move my tongue around her wet core.

She moans once more, her hand reaching for my hair. "East, that feels so good."

I continue my movements twirling my tongue around her wet core, feeling her getting closer and closer by the second, but I don't tease her like usual, I continue until she orgasms and rides it out.

Placing her legs back down on the couch, she pulls me closer kissing me hard "You want to do this?"

"Always" I smirk against her lips.

Once my clothing is removed, I sit back on the couch and pull Aubrey into my lap. I hold her hips gently as she slides herself down onto my hard length, placing her hands on my shoulders, she begins to ride me slowly.

"Another first, sex with a pregnant lady." I joke followed by a soft moan

"That's a lie." She giggles as she begins kissing my neck "I was always already pregnant when you were trying to get me pregnant."

Our sex is slow and gentle, nothing like our usual sex, but honestly I'm just glad to be this close to my girl again.

She continues riding me, picking up the pace a little towards the end until we both come undone.

I wake with my girl in my arms for the first time in what feels like forever and I smile softly. Things are finally falling into place. Lorenzo has taken over the case which will get the Colombians off my back, Aubrey has for some stupid reason agreed to marry me and I'm laying here with my two girls, nothing beats this.

"Are you watching me sleep?" Aubrey says with her eyes still closed, a small smile appearing on her lips

"Maybe." I kiss the top of her head

"When did you turn into such a cutie?"

"I've always been cute, what on earth are you talking about?" I laugh softly, and she giggles next to me

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