[44] Family

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We arrive home and Aubrey heads right for the kitchen pulling out plates and dishes I didn't even know we had and she places them down on the middle island bench

"Are you going to let me help?"

"You can help." She says as she opens the drawer and pulls out a knife "what you can't do is boss me around and tell me how to do things, Mr perfectionist." She points the knife at me.

"Would I mess with a pregnant woman waving a knife?" I laugh

"A smart man wouldn't." She squints her eyes, a grin appearing on her face.

I make my way over and take the knife from her hand, placing it down on the bench. "Lucky I'm a smart man." I press my lips to hers.

Wrapping her arms around me she deepens the kiss, sliding her tongue into my mouth.

I lift her and place her on the kitchen counter, continuing our kiss.

"Guys, people have to eat here," Amara yells with a laugh

I pull back from my kiss to find Amara, Nate, and Oli standing in the kitchen

"Why did I give you a key again?"

"Because you love me." She smiles

"Hey man." I smile at Nate as I help Aubrey down from the bench, and she makes her way to Amara giving her a hug

"Look at you, my baby girl is getting so big." She places her hand on her stomach.

"Easton said the same thing this morning," Aubrey smiles and places her hand on her stomach

Amaras eyes widen and she takes Aubrey's hand "what the hell is this?" She squeals

"Oh uh," Aubrey bit down on my bottom lip softly

"Of all the people to ruin a surprise, it would be you Amara" I roll my eyes

"No way? He asked you to marry him?"

"Yes!" Aubrey finally caves with a huge smile on her face

"Oh my god, details how?" She gushes "Nate, look at how beautiful this ring is." She gasps looking at it

"In typical fashion, we had a fight and then he asked me to marry me." Aubrey laughs

"Really East?" Amara huffs softly

"Hey, I had a lovely night planned, it just didn't go as planned."

"It was my fault." Aubrey speaks up "I got the wrong idea about something and, anyway it doesn't matter now, because we're getting married and we're having a baby, everything feels great right now."

We spend the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen. I left Amara and Aubrey to do most of the papering of the food but stay close in case they need a hand.

Oli has been sleeping in his pram most of the afternoon, he's such a good baby, you forget he's around most of the time. I wonder what our daughter will be like, I hope she's a sleeper like her mother.

Soft cries being to come from the pram and I make my way over. "Hey little buddy." I pick him up, giving him a cuddle as I rub his back softly "did they wake you up with their loud talking?" I kiss the top of his head

I look up and see Amara and Aubrey both watching me with smiles on their faces

"You're going to be make a great dad East." Amara smiles

"I'll try." I give her a soft smile and make my way into the living room

"He's awake." Nate says looking up from his phone

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