[56] Time travel

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It's been six months since Easton arrived home and Alena is now eight months old. She's reaching all of her milestones and is ticking all the boxes she's meant to be ticking according to the Dr's

She can crawl, sit, pull herself up into the standing position when she has something to hold onto, she is always giggling and she's getting to that stage she is putting everything in her mouth. But she's the sweetheart little thing, oh and did I mention she's turned into a daddies girl? Yeah? Mum who.

Wanting to help her and Easton bond, I changed from breast-feeding to bottle-feeding it really allowed them more one on one time without me around and it really seemed to work.

I make my way downstairs dressed in some black jeans and a dressy top with matching black heels

"Uh, where are you going?" Easton questions as he sits up from his laying down position on the living room floor where he's been playing with Alena

"Work, they need me to come in."

"Since when?"

"Since I told the girls they could add me back on to the roster after Alena reached eight months."

"And this is the first I'm hearing about it because?" He raises a brow

"Because I knew you'd say I wasn't going."

"You're damn right you're not going, go and get dressed I'll call Kassie." He pulls his phone out

"Easton no, I want to go back, I feel like I never leave the house or do anything other than be a mum since Alena was born, I still need to be around other adults"

"You're around me and our family all the time."

"That's not what I mean and you know it."

"Fine." He huffs "What's with the heels?"

"I thought they made me look nice."

"Very nice, too nice, go change."

"No." I shake my head and bite down on my bottom lip

"Aubrey Black"

"Easton Raven."

He stands up and grabs me by the waist pushing me against the wall as he kisses me "fuck work." He breathes against my ear. "Let's have mum take Alena and you and I can go out."

"I don't think Kassie will be happy about that."

"She'll deal." He smirks and nips at my skin

"Okay" I moan softly "Call your Mum."

He pulls back from my neck and pulls his phone out, scrolling through before holding it to his ear. "Hey mum, can you have Alena?"


"Uh, like now?"


"Perfect, I knew you'd be up for it. See you soon." He hangs up the phone "Mums coming, so it looks like you won't be going to work." He looks back at his phone scrolling through and pulls his to his ear.

"Kassie, Aubrey won't be in to work tonight or any night, or ever again have someone cover her, Bye" he hangs up

"Oh my god you're so annoying, I will be going back"

"We'll see about that." He smirks as he pushes me back against the wall pressing his lips to mine.

Shay arrived no later than ten minutes after Easton's phone call and after a quick shower Easton got dressed and we headed out for the afternoon.

"So, now that you've kidnaped me for the night, just where is it that we're going?" I question as I turn my head to the side looking at him

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