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Before I knew it, Xavier and I had become friends.

In my opinion, good friends, but I don't know if the feeling is mutual.

As it turns out, we have some things in common:
We watch/read the same anime/manga (One Piece, ok... It actually is a really good anime)
We play the same instruments (Piano and Clarinet, preeeeeetty cool, right?)
We both are in all extensions for all our subjects (But I don't deserve it cuz I'm dumb....)

Anyways, it was very easy to talk to him because he was so very outgoing and friendly.

Little by little, I started to like him more and more.

What was even sadder, was that I knew he liked one of my best friends, Rissa, and she liked him back. It was tormenting me, breaking me, killing me, little by little, because this guy with the beautiful personality wasn't for me to take.

I wanted him for myself and I hoped that he wanted me too.

So, with this hope, I decided to confess.

To confess to Xavier.

This smart and outgoing guy who would never in a million years like me back.

And so I confessed.

Nothing much happened.

Xavier and Rissa were still an unofficial couple. And this broke my heart completely.

This was one of the many things that led me to depression.

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