My Non-Existent Good Qualities

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My self-esteem got so low one day I decided to ask Xavier (nicely, of course) to list my good qualities. He was kind of reluctant (and by that, I mean really reluctant) but he did end up listing my good qualities, which was really nice to hear, especially because it was from him.

I guess because he was really reluctant, it didn't count, but it didn't stop me from indirectly asking other people what I'm good at. So apparently, I'm funny (in I don't know what way), and I'm smart. 

Excuse me.

In what way exactly am I smart again?

Failing all of my HASS tests?

Making stupid mistakes in Math, Science, HASS, English, Japanese and Music tests?

I can't even write or read Chinese like how normal Chinese people are supposed to be able to do.

My parents always say,

"你为什么不会中文?华人一定要会读和写中文的! (Why don't you know Chinese? Chinese people need to know how to write and read Chinese as well!)" 

said my parents.

My parents always say this to me whenever I say that I don't want to learn Chinese. Why can't I just learn a language that I like, for example, Japanese?

日本語はとてもおもしろいです。でも私の両親は日本語中国語のほうが好きです。(Japanese is very interesting. But my parents prefer Chinese over Japanese.)

Oh well, what can I do?

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