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Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? I'm fine. Tomoyo and I have arrived safely in Japan. We experienced turbulence on the plane, but other than that, the trip went smoothly.

Grandma was there at the airport to pick us up. She even made us surprise ¹kyaraben for old times sake!

On the ride to Morioh-Cho, I noticed that a few things have changed. The alley in between Owson grocery and a store is now gone. I also noticed a couple of new shops, like St. Gentleman's, a bakery that smelled amazing when we drove past. Oh, but Deux Magots is still there! When the two of you come visit, we should have some tea together!

We also passed by Budo-ga Oka Middle & High School, and I'll be honest when I say that I'm very nervous. For school and if I'll be able to cope. I'm still a little shaken about leaving the States so suddenly, but I know it was a needed breakaway, seeing how things were sort of spiralling down back in America.

But I promise from now on I'll try to look forward and get over the past. It's only been a few days but I miss you two so much. I'll write to you guys whenever I can, so don't worry about me. Please visit us when you can!

四宮 (y/n)

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now