EP 6

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 ▌episode 6; the fluffy alien: myui  (part 2)

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 ▌episode 6; the fluffy alien: myui
  (part 2)

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"Look, we don't have much time left. They're coming, and they'll be here very soon."

The snowy white creature with a blue tipped tail and wide ruby red eyes had spoken up unexpectedly. Its piercing gaze fixated on the both of you, your surprise was evident on your pretty features. Suffocating, dark clouds thickened in the room.

Tension pricked your skin, like fire ants crawling. Foreboding swelled in your belly.

"Your name is Myui, right...?" A zephyr rustled the curtains, the wind tousled your hair as you spoke uncertainly. "Who's coming? What's going on?"

"Yeah," Josuke shared an equally flabbergasted expression. "Go slower on the details, little guy!"

Myui bared its fangs. You finally noticed the hidden razor canines as it growled. "¹The Cardinals are coming!"

"The Cardinals?" Josuke and you repeated in unison.

Myui, who had been calm until now, was on edge by the very name. "They're horrid. Absolutely horrid." Fur bristling, it paced around anxiously.

"From what I know, they're an organisation with people and spirits. They called the beings 'stands', I think. I know you two have them, I can see 'em in your souls- But that's not the point-"

"Hold up. This is going too fast." You glanced at Josuke, who shared an unwavering eye contact with Myui. The boy tilted his head. "So what you're saying is, a science obsessed cult is after you?"

"Yes..." It nodded slowly.

"To harvest your organs?" Your childhood friend leaned forward, tilting the chair.

"Well, not exactly." Myui flicked its tail dismissively. The red markings on its face was of the same shade as its eyes. "Even I don't know what exactly it is they want."

"Then why are you so scared, Myui?" You squatted down and hugged your knees.

"Because they're going to siphon my life out of me!" It suddenly pounced on you. With a yelp, you stumbled back and landed on your bum as the fluffy creature stood on your stomach. "I absolutely refuse to return to the white coat people!"

A terribly confused Josuke and you watched as Myui started to tear up. Little droplets cascaded down its tiny cheeks, ruby eyes glazed. "Please, you have to do something about them. I can't go back there, (y/n)!"

Pitter patter. More tears fell, soaking into the carpeted floor. You exchanged an unsure glance with your childhood friend. Sitting up, you petted the fluffy creature gently while waiting for it to calm down. Myui flinched, but relaxed in your arms after a while.

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now