EP 10

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  ▌episode 10; the sparkling   prince: tachibana yukio   (part 2)

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  ▌episode 10; the sparkling
   prince: tachibana yukio
   (part 2)

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You started the day with a mediocre headache. Just a seemingly harmless one, the kind in which your head tingled for a bit. Unfortunately, as the day went by, you found it to grow more and more unbearable.

It was hard to pay attention in class when one second it felt as if needle sharp fingers were dragging along your skull. An agonising squeeze in your temple almost made you choke during lunch with Tomoyo. Surely, you have seen better days.

Through will power and determination, you barely managed to scrape by. Classes had ended and you were on cleaning duty today. You wondered if you should switch with Nanami or anyone to go home. But...

I can't burden anyone because of my personal issue... You chastised as you cleaned the green board painstakingly.

Pancaking your cheeks with your hands, you squeezed them together. With your eyes screwed close, you murmured strings of positivity. Luckily no one was around, or they would think you were possessed with the incoherent chanting.

"Ah, Shinomiya. You're still here?" Your homeroom teacher stood at doorway of the front door. He had his book bag in his hand as he peered into the classroom.

You snapped your head sideways and dropped your hands. Smiling sheepishly, you grabbed the duster. "Yeah. My partner left not too long ago." You rubbed against the chalk written problem sums.

The male glanced around the hallway before looking at the clock. It was already four. "Hey, do you mind helping carry some books? I'd ask Kazuki, but it seems he's not here."

You dusted hands on your uniform skirt. "Kazuki's not here because he left a while ago. I don't mind helping though!"

You followed him to the staff room, and the two of you made a bee line for the destination. The stack of books in your arms almost covered your line of sight. Wobbling slightly, you tried to match your homeroom teacher's pace.

Meanwhile, your teacher strode confidently with a much taller stack. He only realised that you were struggling when he glanced behind him.

He took some books from you and added them to his share. "Sorry for involving you. I hope you don't mind." A sincere smile graced his pretty features.

"It's no problem!" You adjusted your grip on the textbooks with an 'oomf'. Mr Ueno nodded and as the two of you crossed the bridge connecting the middle schooler building, you remembered about Tomoyo.

I told her I had after class duties. I hope she went home without waiting for me. You glanced sideways. There were little to no students in the courtyards. And seeing how the sky was turning gloomy, you realised it was going to rain.

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now