EP 3

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 ▌episode 3; bizarre spring  rainfall: (y/n)'s first day  at school

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 ▌episode 3; bizarre spring
  rainfall: (y/n)'s first day
  at school

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Shortly after the bus exited the tunnel, then came the rain. Gentle droplets tapped against the shell of the vehicle, accompanied by the rumbling from the heavens. You looked out of the rain stained window and at the stormy grey clouds overhead.

"Hey, did you bring an umbrella?" You asked your little sister. She huffed, stashing her book away into her book bag.

"Does it look like I did?" Her indignant response made you sigh dejectedly. The thought of looking like a wet puppy on your first day wasn't very appealing.

The bus screeched to a halt and everyone got off. Stepping out into the rain, you covered your head with your book bag. Tomoyo and you set off at a relatively fast pace, avoiding murky puddles so as to not dirty your loafers.

"Aww man!" You looked up at the boy who caught up with you. Matching your speed, he gestured at his hairdo. "This bad boy takes about half an hour to set...!"

You couldn't help but giggle. "Now's not the time to worry about your hair, Josuke!" Hurrying forward, you could hear his complaints behind you as he tried to keep up.

"Those two seem really close..." Okuyasu said, thinking. Koichi and him were tagging behind, sheltering their heads with their own bags.

"It's the first time we've seen Josuke with another girl, isn't it?" asked Koichi, who made a noise when some rain entered his eyes.

The first thing you noticed was the cherry blossoms in the courtyard. Airbrushed pink petals fluttered down, and you looked up. Rain and petals brushed past your face, caressing your cheeks. Many other students were rushing for shelter, having no umbrella as well.

You ran pass the gates with the others, both you and Tomoyo making heads spin. Other students, both middle schoolers and high schoolers watched as unfamiliar faces set foot in their school grounds.

Your younger sister pushed back her dark locks, saying to you in English, "Hey, people are staring..."

You looked over your shoulder and realised she was right. Giving her a nervous smile, you promised, "It'll be fine. Just ignore them!"

The both of you had admitted into the school a few weeks ago, so you got various details regarding lockers, classes and schedules before hand. You shook your bag and cleaned it with your sweater sleeve. Pushing back your damp fringe out of your eyes, you slipped on your slippers. The younger Shinomiya sibling closed her assigned locker while glancing worriedly past her sister, meeting the curious gazes of by passers.

The two of you exchanged more words in the foreign language. Jittery Tomoyo was too scared to speak in Japanese when everyone was watching.

"Are those two talking in another language? It sounds like English." Okuyasu inquired as he watched the two of you talk by the shoe lockers. Koichi looked at his pompadour friend for answers.

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now