EP 11

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 ▌episode 11; underwater:   drowning in memories

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 ▌episode 11; underwater:
   drowning in memories

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Darkness. For the first time in your life, all you could see was darkness. A suffocating, smokey haze clouded your vision, and the pressure on your chest bloomed in your veins.

The air was thin, and you struggled to pace your breathing. Serpents of the deep coiled themselves around your limbs and torso as you were suspended in your subconscious abyss.

Even though you were blinded, you could make out a lumpy shape hovering by you. It took every last drop of will power to open your mouth.

"Mom...? Dad? Tomoyo? Are you...?"

No, (y/n). It's not your family.

"...Is that you, Whispy?"

An exasperated sigh resounded in the darkness. Look, you have to wake up. Or you'll die. The round shape moved closer to you. A sweet, and the comforting scent of peaches filled your exhausted lungs. You had forgotten how nostalgic it was.

You have to wake up. I can't help you when you're in this state. The hazy cloud began to fade away, and you were met with the being you had locked away for years.

Break out of the water and fill your lungs. Breathe, (y/n). You have to breathe.

The ethereal being's voice resonated within you. Unable to argue, you opened your mouth to inhale.

. . .

"Josuke!" A man in a navy blue button up called out as he searched the sea of heads. His forehead wrinkled in concern. "I told you not to run off like that...!"

He stopped in front of his grandson. His one and only grandchild, Josuke, was rubbing comforting circles on the back of a little girl's hand. Unbeknownst to him, he was healing the child's wounds. The kindergartener also had a hand on the wide-eyed girl's cheek, and because the middle aged man wasn't a stand user, he couldn't see the bulky humanoid lingering beside his grandson.

So he perceived the scene like any other cheeky grandpa would. "Did ya pick up another girl, you little rascal?" He whistled, Josuke looked up at his grandpa with a tomato red face.

"Grandpa, this girl was hurt!" Your bizarre saviour insisted, squeezing your hand tightly.

"Are you sure? She looks alright to me!" The man with silver strands amidst his dark locks cocked a bushy brow. "You alright, kid?"

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now