EP 13

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 ▌episode 13; the sweet scent of      peaches: whispy peach (part 2)

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 episode 13; the sweet scent of
      peaches: whispy peach (part 2)

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"So you really were here all along...!" The male standing by your window glanced at you with half lidded eyes. He took in your new get up and cocked a blonde brow questioningly. "What have you done to Myui?!"

"Ah, so you aren't dead?"  There was a hint of questionable relief in his tone. Yukio turned around to reveal a small bag squirming in his grasp. You could hear the muffled cries of Myui in the bag. He shoved it into his book bag, and, mysteriously, the latter swallowed up the former. Curiously, it didn't bulge from the new addition, and Yukio clipped his bag close. "Oh, and here's Higashikata Josuke."

Said person stumbled into the room, his bright blue eyes wide as he met the steel grey one's of the Student Council President's. "He's got Myui! It's in his bag!" You hastily told Josuke.

He wasted no time in calling his stand, and the ethereal being sized up the blonde with its muscular form. You summoned your stand as well; A fiery aura enveloped you and your stand materialised beside you. The polygonal peaches on the stand's coat jiggled as you got in a battle stance.

"That's weird..." The enemy stand user tensed visibly. His cool eyes flitted to the unknown stand beside the girl in the crisp white uniform. "Why do I smell peaches?"

"Because I'm boutta kick ya ass!" cried the sheep, baring its fangs threateningly. "Let's get him!"

Both stands and users rushed forward to tackle the Cardinal, who regarded them with disinterest. The boy bit down on the straw in his milk box, and before you and Josuke could lift a finger, the high school senior fell out of the window.

You gasped as your stomach crashed into your window sill, meanwhile the teen flipped midair and landed on the branch of one of the fruit trees. He perched himself on the thick branch of a peach tree and glanced back at you.

Wordlessly, he plucked a plump peach and brought it to his lips. But before he could eat it, it dissolved in his hands and turned into a mushy lump of cotton. Whispy Peach had touched it with a wooly braid that had extended from its coat, the stand hovering outside the window as more thick vines shot out and wriggled towards Yukio. He dodged them and leapt off the branch, landed on the stone wall surrounding your estate, then disappeared behind the lush hedges.

Josuke murmured something about how slippery the bastard was while you made an unfeminine growl. Your sheep stand glanced at you with its beady eyes. Thumping your clenched fists against the window sill, you frowned.

whispy peach (josuke x reader) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now