1 - Rise and shine

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Jungkook POV

"Gu wake up already!" My little 5 year old brother is on top of me, tiny hands clasped around my face. He roughly swings my head left to right, forcing me to wake up. I squint my eyes a little to see my little bros chubby face and furrowed brows, he looks annoyed.

"Ugh....5 more minutes..."

"Your alarm clock has been ringing forever, and I don't know how to turn it off!! Turn it off Gu, it's so loud!"

"Ugh.... fine" I say, as I roll my eyes groaning at the thought of leaving my warm, comfy state. But I have no choice. I look to my left to see the alarm clock, it's 7:45 am,

ugh so fucking early.

I scoff, I've barely slept for 2 hours. All these night shifts are driving me insane. I angrily throw my hand onto the alarm. The alarm stops ringing, but I feel as if I've accidentally broken it. I slowly and lazily slither out of my bed, causing Minsung to happily hop off as well, dragging the sheets a bit. I scratch my head and yawn, my eyes still not fully opened. Minsung follows me from behind like a little duckling as I make my way into the bathroom. Still half asleep, I clumsily look left to right for my toothbrush, only to realize it's in the cupboard above. I open the cupboard and take out my toothpaste and toothbrush. I squeeze the toothpaste out nice and swiftly onto my toothbrush, and begin to roughly brush my teeth. I hate the taste of mint, and want to get this over with quickly. Looking up into the mirror, my hair is sticking out in every direction possible, a trail of drool is visible on the right side of my chin, and my face is ridiculously swollen.

God I look disgusting

"Hey Gu," Minsung looks up at me from his tiny stand, his round head barely Over the sink, his small hands resting right next to the soap dispenser.

"Yeah" I reply through the brushing of my teeth. I quickly spit out the disgusting paste into the sink, and begin to fill up my hand with water to rinse out the awful taste out once and for all. (Until tomorrow when I have to do this again that is)

"Why was your alarm on today?" Minsung asks, his voice raising in curiosity.

I swish the water in my mouth for a few seconds, then spit it all out to reply to Minsung.

"What do you mean" I say as I go to refill my hands again for round 2, the taste hasn't fully left my mouth yet.

"Well, for the last while you didn't have your alarm on, but now you do!...and...uh... why is that?" Minsung says, hands on his chin asking the question.

"What do you me- oh fuck" realization hits me and I accidentally swallow the water in my mouth, that was disgusting. I quickly splash my face with water, not even bothering to wipe it dry with a towel. I quickly fix my hair as I look in the mirror. Good enough. Once done, I turn to face my closet, and than I basically fly into it, brushing my brothers shoulder a little by accident. Minsung looks over to me from the bathroom, now off the little stool, clearly perplexed with only one brow up very high.

"What's wrong Gu?" Minsung asks, now walking into the bedroom. I'm struggling to put on my jeans, almost falling onto the ground.
"Min, I have school today, and I completely forgot about it"

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