One of My Better Halves

19 1 4

//Taejin birthday cuz I have severely slacked in updates. and yes it is several months past either birthday (and hoseok and Yoongi b-days) but I haven't had the mindset to really write for this book//

"I know everyone else is kinda busy with things at the competition overseas right now, but we can still celebrate our birthdays! Just the two of us, like old times."

"Well, I guess that is better than being sorry that three is missing from our usual five. I just miss them that's all. Its the first birthday either of us have had like alone since we all got together."

Seokjin cuddles closer into me, tucking his head under mine. "Lets go to our favorite old hangout spot and get some sweet cakes! Then we can have a movie night and take an hour long bath and sleep in late!!!"

"Oh that does sound so inviting, and I'm free from work for the next two days. Alright, lets do that."



"Wakey Wakey baby~ We have an appointment with hot cocoa and pastries at 10 at the old café and then I'm thinking we swing by the park, granted its still there, and just enjoy the weather."

I am already dressed, now the hard part of getting Taehyung out of bed and into pants. Bribery is the only way to really get him out of the comfy bed and pajamas and into actual clothing. I sigh and slowly walk to the bathroom connected to the bedroom; stripping away my clothing as I go. I look over to see if Taehyung is following, only to be greeted with his back. The bastard rolled over and is trying to go back to sleep.

"Ya!" I throw my sock at his near-asleep figure, "wake up or I will drag you out of bed!"

He rolls over, blinking at me and plasters a pout onto his face. A silent plea for a longer snooze. I place my hands on my hips before muttering about showering alone. Turning back to my initial destination, I hear a rustling of blankets. I enter the shower and shortly have warm water cascading down onto my skin. I enjoy cleansing myself in solitude before two arms slink themselves around my neck.

"You really need to get a new method of getting me out of bed."

"I think my current one  works just fine. It got you out of bed and into a shower in under five minutes," I feel lips pepper kisses down the back of my neck and up behind my  left ear. "Besides, its more fun to shower with a  hot, naked man."   

Taehyung laughs, letting the low rumble of his deep voice echo throughout the enclosed space. Steam rises above our bodies, the warm liquid heat acts as a relaxing agent to sore muscles I didn't know I had. 

Once we finally leave the tranquilizing  comfort of the shower and get clothing onto our bodies, we leave for the old café that we used to frequent back in high school. Some days we would skip home economics in favor of bupyeon, mochi, or hotteoks, and when permitted: muffins and berry-filled pastries. I think we should honor our old tradition of buying mochi and hotteoks and since we have more money than our teen-selves, berry-filled pastries. 

Today is very much sweet pancakes and berry pastry day.



"Oh definitely strawberry, uh pumpkin and blueberry...and throw in a  raspberry too!"

(whoever put the p in raspberry should be slapped with a limp fish)

"And 5 hotteoks and some mochi, surprise me on the flavor. That should be it," I hand the young girl at the register my card while Taehyung grabs our bubble tea and heads for the booth we used to make our camp in during test weeks, "Thank you." I comment as I take my card back.

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