Dance for Me pt 3

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//cuz why not add another part?//

Hoseok pov:
We had arrived to my small private dance studio, ready to spend some one-on-one time with each other. Its been some time since me and Jinnie have been alone, and I really want to cherish this moment.

I love spending alone time with each of my boyfriends. They each deserve the world and my undivided attention. It can get hard at times, and sometimes we can get jealous, but we alway have conversations about it and try to come up with the best solution to the issue that we all can agree on.

"So, what do you have planned for this evening?" Jinnie drapes his arms around my shoulders and rests his head against mine. "I was thinking of ordering some takeout and we can just hang out. Like we used to before everything got so crazy with work. Besides, I would love to show you my new song." My statement is greeted with a warm smile, one that no matter how hard the day has been, will always cheer me up.

"Sounds wonderful"


"Wow just wow!" Jinnie mutters with a stunned expression painting his handsome face. "Wow, just wow? Really babe, I at least deserve a wowwza." I chuckle at his face as it turns a cherry blossom shade. "Well I've seen those hip thrusts multiple times and not just during your dances~" I make my way to him and do what I do best: smother him with cuddles. Picking him up, I spin him around and hug him tight. I can feel just how close he is holding onto me. Not scared of being dropped but enjoying the closeness of our bodies. His heart beat sounds through my ear that is pressed against his chest. Such a lovely rhythm. So comforting.

Our little moment is interrupted by a delivery boy coming into our studio room with our food. I quickly set my baby down and pay the man leaving a good tip for not eyeing Jinnie up as I took the food from him.

I take the food and set it up in a somewhat of a semicircle and drag Jinnie into my lap. I rest my head on his shoulder and begin to eat my fill, occasionally feeding Jinnie in between bites. He gets some barbeque sauce on his chin from eating the wings like a lil piggy. "Awe lil piggy got some sauce on your cheek~"

He wipes the sauce off and then smears it on my face. "Who's the little piggy now~"

"Oh that is it!" I laugh and push him off my lap, taking some sauce and going after him to seek my revenge. Sadly, he is too quick for me and he scampers away from my saucy fingers. "Come here!"



Nope~ come get me"

That is exactly what I do. I chance him around the dance studio, laughter masks the sound of our footfalls.

After ages of intense chasing (hobi, it was like 9 minutes) I scoop my boyfriend up in my arm and spread the tangy sauce all over his face. Mwahahaha.

"stop" he giggles out. "never~"

Our little wrestle/sauce smearing haults when we run out of barbeque. Eventually we will clean up the mess on the floor but thats for later. I take a napkin and do my best to clean the two of us up. I take Jinnie into my lap once again and I lean against my gym bag. Pulling out my phone, I set up a movie to play as we snuggle.

3rd person pov:

The two seoks snuggle into each other while they entertain themselves with the rom-com playing from the elder's phone. However, soon enough Hoseok has sleep overtake him. Seokjin picks up the phons that had fallen from his boyfriend's hand, turning to movie off before slipping it into his pocket.

Seokjin places a tender kiss to Hoseok's forehead and snuggles closer to his boyfriend before falling alseep as well.

FINALLY UPDATED! I have had this draft forever! So sorry it took literal ages to post!!!

I will try to post more and update books more lovelies💜💜💜 see you in the next chapter.

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