quarantine quandaries

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Jimin pov:

"Heyyy sexy, want some company in th- OHMYGODIMSOSORRY"

I do a 180 and hightail it out of the bathroom and slam the door on the way. My face is burning at a million degrees a and I can physically feel pain in my chest from embarrassment.

"What is all the yelling about? Jimin are you ok?" Taehyung quips and places an arm around my shoulder, while drawing over a Hoseok.

"Physically, probably. Mentally, i am wounded." I try and remove the mental image.

"What are you going on about? Jimin are you hurt?"

Before i can answer, the bathroom door opens with Namjoon and Yoongi scantly clad in towels. Their faces are redder than tomatoes and i have a feeling mine is also a similar shade. Hoseok makes a bit of a laughing sound while it takes Tae a second or two to grasp what had happened.

"Oh my gosh, you are freaking out over something so trivial," Jin pipes up as he joins the gathering group, "Hate to break it to everyone but we are all men here. And we all very much like other men. I think you three are blowing this way out of proportion. It's not like we havent seen another man's penis before."

"Well how would you feel if Yoongi or I saw you and Jimin showering together?"

"I'd ask if you liked what you saw and if i look good from that angle."

"Look, you might be chill with others outside your relationship seeing you and one of your partners naked, but I'm not exactly ok with it. Yoongi?"

Namjoon places a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "Eh, I am embarrassed but we really shouldn't make a big deal out of this. It was bound to happen to one of us while we're staying here."

"I agree with Yoongi-hyung." Jungkook says as his entrance is the same as his exit: brief.





A few days later

"Jimin, I really don't think sneaking into Hoseok's office to have fun with Jungkook is a great idea. What if Hoseok finds out? Or we make a big mess?"

"Ok but what if we don't? And Jungkook is wearing that new tail plug we got him and his tutu."

I smirk and moves to shift my trousers, "You son of a bitch, I am so in! Lead me to our bun!"

Jimin takes my hand and leads me down the left wing to an oak wooden door with a misty glass window. A green sign sits outside the door, turned to its reverse side that requests no entrance to the room in question. We; however, ignore the sign and march on into the home studio where a very pliant bunny-dressed male is waiting for us.

Jungkook is perched on the large office chair that is in front of the desk which holds various electronics. The chair is faced backwards; his bare bottom is peaking underneath the blue tulle tutu he has on his hips. A fluffy, cream-colored tail plug is creating a small bump in the tutu. A pair of bunny ears sit atop his raven hair; three brown spots adorn the velvet-like fabric to simulate a spotted bunny.

Jungkook is watching some livestream of a video playthrough on the screen before him, not noticing his audience. Jimin walks towards the man as he is undoing the button on his shirt. I follow suit and removes my sweatshirt and starts zippering my jeans off.

Jimin removes the remaining clothing on his body and I run my fingers down Jungkook's spine. 

"Bunny, Jimin and I want to play with you. Can you be a good bunbun and help us out?"

Jungkook nods, turns off the computer screen and sits in the chair like a good bun; waiting for instructions. Jimin sits on the couch adjacent to the desk, getting himself ready for all the fun that we are going to have. I reach for the computer and turn it back on. I go to Hoseok's video software and smirk to Jimin.

"Shall we make a little video for him to come back to?" 

"Ask the bunbun, I'm down for literally anything right now."

I raise my eyebrows and smile rather ominously before asking our little bun if he wants to make a movie for his hyung to watch later.

"Yes master!" Jungkook practically vibrates in his seat; Jimin picks him up before he wobbles too much and breaks the chair.

Hoseok would kill us if we did that again.

Jimin sits down once again on the couch and places a rather happy bunny boy in his lap. He starts to toy with the plug in Jungkook. I wrap my fingers around myself and motion my hand up and down, looking at the two aroused men in front of me. Jimin helps Jungkook position himself so that he may ride the former. The face he makes when Jimin helps him sink down onto Jimin is art. 

I stride over to the couch and pet the bunbun's hair, "Good bun. That's right bun, take his cock like a good boy. Think you can take another one?"

Jungkook leans into my hand that is petting his head and provides a low rumbly 'yes'; his tongue peaking out between his lips to wet them.

His mouth goes from closed to agape, and his tongue rests on his lower lip. I grip the back of his head and help guide him closer to my pelvis. His eyes flutter close when the tip of my member touches the pink outstretched tongue.

His lips wrap around my shaft and he subtly starts to hollow out his cheeks. My eyes fall shut while I enjoy the tingly feeling that is spreading throughout my neither region. I lose myself in the feeling; the only noise I can focus on is the sound of Jungkook gasping with the rise and fall of his bottom onto Jimin's dick.

"... see this new speaker WhaT THe FUcK!?"

"Oh gosh-" 

Yoongi, who was being lead by Hoseok into the studio, covers his reddening face while Hoseok blinks rapidly. Hoseok takes the door and closes it, blocking Yoongi from seeing anything else that is transpiring in the room.

"Can you guys give me a heads up the next time you three decide to fool around in my office? Why is the cam- you know what, never mind. Just please clean up when you're done and sort things out with Yoongi.

The three of us mutter shyly in agreement as he leaves us in the room alone.

"Should we just go talk to him?"

Jungkook whines in response and shifts his hips against Jimin. Jimin in turn, rolls his eyes, and snaps his hips up. The elicits a  very audible moan out of the bunny boy's mouth. 

"...I'll talk to Yoongi and Hoseok and you take care of the needy bunny. I'll help him out later in the bath~"

(Short and late, ik. But that's how i roll when i got no inspiration. the next chapter will be longer and better)

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