Meanwhile in London

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(JiHopeKook are in london for one hell of a dance competition and a few concerts)

"Can we video chat with them again?"

"Dude, we literally just did like ten minutes ago."

Jimin whines, well makes a sorta squawking noise, and flops back on the bed. This is the first week of the competition, and if we make it through to the final round, we still have another week and a half in London. I have one concert for the end of next week and Jimin has one at the beginning of the same week. While we have that going on, Kook has a few meetings with some up and coming artist that might be interested in a song or two he has put on the backburner.

So its a busy schedule for everyone. 

"Please, just for a little bit?" He throws his signature puppy eyes at us.

"No, its like 2am there and they need their sleep, and we need to eat. Come on, Jungkook ordered pizza for us and some wings."

He blots up with a smile plastered on his face, no doubt excited for food. "Why didn't you say that first?"

Speaking of the handsome devil, Jungkook flops down next to Jimin on the bed, grabbing a hold of his Jimin. He submerges his head into Jimin's fuzzy sweatshirt and makes a very audible inhale. 

"Hopie, get your ass over here and let me love you." 

His eyes are closed and he looks to be half asleep. Probably tired from his bout today. I walk over to the other side of the bed and lay myself down next to him.

"Did you shower?"

"Too tired, shower later. Cuddle now."

I kiss his forehead and unzip his sweater, "If Jimin joins you in the shower, will you take one? Ill handle the food situation and get things set up for a movie. Just get your sweaty self off the clean bed."

"Fine, but you owe me a one-on-one shower tomorrow after your bout."

He sits up and shucks his sweater off; his shirt following seconds later. Jimin is very clearly enjoying the show, that is his pink-tinted cheeks and lip-licking is anything to go by. Jimin shimmies out of his sweater and is in the process of removing his sweat pants before I intervene.  

" The pizza will be here shortly, so don't take an hour in the shower or I will eat all the pizza and wings by myself."

Jimin giggles, "Fine but after you and Kookie shower tomorrow after your bout, you both owe me a luxury spa day. I'm thinking some bath salts and I want you two to wash me as I will obviously be wayyy to exhausted to do it myself."

Jimin gets off the bed and disappears into the bathroom, the sound of water running shortly follows. Jungkook peruses Jimin's path while muttering about how spoiled of a brat he can be.

"You are too Kook!" 

Laugh on my way to the couch to enjoy some TV while I wait for two spoiled brats and some good pizza and wings.

(super short filler chapter, this was just to give a lil peak at what Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin were doing in London. I didn't want to make a super long chapter since the one I have planned for the next update wasn't [originally] planned for the book, but with change we adapt. anyways, hope you liked the mini update and look foreword to a new chapter soon.)

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