COVID-19 social distancing, corona-pocalypse

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(yeah the title is subject to change. and I'm going to put this isolation/COVID-19 in a few chapters of different books cuz I want to look back on this historical event I didn't sign up to be in. Also, yeah this is lowkey late with how long ive been in quarantine for, but I had 3 other drafts for this book that I wanted to finish before throwing this soft book into a hellscape; you gotta let me have the good time before I let mrs rona intrude on my soft book)

Jimin pov:

"Ok so, aside from the shit-ton of canned beans, do we have any other food in the house? Or was that all you bought?" 

"Hey! I got a bunch of bread and chicken too! Sorry I was panic buying..." Jungkook trails off with the rest of his sentence while sulking into Hoseok's shoulder.

"Relax hyung, I got enough food to last us a zombie apocalypse. We should be fine. Once Yoongi and Namjoon get here, we can stop worrying. Namjoon said he was grabbing everything they needed, and Yoongi said he is bringing every and anything that we might need if the world is ending. So basically, we are going to be alright. Just calm down." Hoseok remarks while rubbing circles on Jungkook's back, Taehyung making noise in the background of putting away the remaining cans.

"I will be calm once everyone is here safe."

"Dude its just quarantine, not a legit apocalypse with food running out. Relax." Taehyung quips. 

"Jin come here, I need cuddles.".



Namjoon and Yoongi arrive to the house half an hour later, bringing ample amounts of snacks with them and some legit food. Jimin has calmed down with the aide of a drink and cuddles. 

"You sure its not going to be a pain for all of us to stay here? Even with the extra rooms and stuff, are you 100% chill with this idea?" Namjoon wonders out loud while trying to calm down Holly and RapMon. 

Taehyung is holding Mickey, whom we picked up from Hoseok's parents place to be around the two other dogs in the house in hopes that being in the presence of other canines will easy the anxiety in the air. At least that is what we are hoping happens. Fur babies help with almost everything.

"Yes, Hoseok and Jimin insisted because you two cant be trusted to not spend all of this quarantine in your studios. Half the time they have to drag your asses out for food, so yes. You are staying here where you are safe and you cant argue about it. Ask Jimin."

I laugh at this as does Yoongi while Namjoon just rolls his eyes.

"I'd say more like a good 2/5 of the time do they have to come get one of us."

We can hear Jin laughing from the kitchen where he is making dinner with Jimin and Hoseok. Jungkook giggles along with him and  steals RapMon away from Namjoon for pets and cuddles.

(Super short chapter, I know. But this is just to set up for other events i got planned. And now some covid19 memes):

 And now some covid19 memes):

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