prologue and characters

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The Character:

Kim Seokjin.
20 years old
Private chef and Taehyung's favorite model
King of Cuddles

Kim Taehyung
21 years old
Photographer for New Ideals and artist
Prince of pillow forts

Park Jimin
22 years old
Famous dancer and singer
Angel of kisses

Jeon Jungguk
22 years old
Famous dancer and producer 
Guardian of snuggles

Jung Hoseok
23 years old
Famous rapper and talented dancer
Hero of hugs

3rd pov:

It all started when Jin was 17. He had a crush on his best friend since forever, Taehyung but he also had a crush on his neighbor Jimin. He came out to Tae and was so scared tae would leave him for good, what shocked him though, was that Taehyung was gay as well and had a massive crush on his younger friend. Tae also really liked Jin's neighbor Jimin, who was openly into men and women.

Both Seokjin and Taehyung were extremely inexperienced with anything dealing with something as little as kissing. Tae, being braver of the two, decided he wanted Jin to be his first kiss, he was gonna kiss his best friend and pray to God that he didn't fuck it up.

Jin on the other hand was dying for Taehyung to make a move already. Taehyung scooted closer to his crush and looked into his eyes 'please don't screw this up Taehyung' he said in his head. He slowly leaned closer to Jin's handsome face, Jin leaned closer to Tae until their soft lips met with a sweet but short kiss.

The movies lie, it wasn't perfect, or Oscar worthy, but it was magical in the sense that it gave each sparks of happiness within the kiss. It was perfect in their eyes.



both boys were amazed by the firework affect each other's lips had on the other's.

Taehyung, becoming more confident, took Jin's hand in his and placed a chaset kiss upon the younger's berry flavored lips. Sweet and innocent, the kiss was.

Jin was the first to pull away, shy about the way his lips tingled with Tae's flavor. "Jin, would you um like be myboyfriend?"

"Yes Taetae", blushing "I would love to be your boyfriend!"

The boys had been dating for some time now, very much enamored with each other, but still having feelings for the boy next door. Jimin. Park Jimin.

Unbeknownst to the two boys, Jimin had begun to develop feelings for the couple, he knew them well, great friends in fact, but they were dating now and he wasn't the only one who longed for the new couple's affections. Jungkook and Hoseok, special friends of Jimin and Taehyung, had crushes on the couple as well as Jimin.

The three other boys had feelings not only for the couple, but each other as well. Jimin had taken a huge leap of courage and invited all of his crushes over to play games, watch movies, and finally get the balls to tell everyone how he truly feels.

The boys had already battled in Mario cart and have exhausted almost every video game Jimin had for more than two people. Time for truth or dare!

A few dumb dares in and Jungkook and Jimin have kissed, Hobi has marked Jungkook's neck, Taehyung had given Jin a hickey on Jin's upper thigh (which everyone got a bit excited to see) and Jimin has just gotten enough courage to tell everyone about how he feels towards them. Hoseok, Jungkook and himself all had told one another about their feelings to each other, and we're just wanting to tell the other two.

"So I um I have...well we have a confession to make" Jimin nervously stammered and nodded to the older two boys, "we kinda sorta like you guys. Like more than just friends.."

The boys were a bit shocked at first but they both gave one another a knowing look and pulled the other's into a great big, love-filled hug. "Awe! We really like you guys too!!!" The rest of the night was spent cuddling and watching movies, just peaceful and innocent. Boys happy with how the evening had unfolded.

After the boys had finished high school, they wanted a place all to themselves. Wanting more freedom and more room, because sneaking out on a school night to one of the other's parents house was rather risky and noisy.

Soon all the boys had, with Jungkook's and Hoseok's rich parents help, had bought a wonderful house and now live together.(

he writing gets better i promise

Edited on 12/4/18 *Jin Day*

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