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William continues, “All the proper investigations are being made. Her body will be returned to someone who was connected to her life outside of the castle. Evette did not have any known quarrels with anyone, but she could have easily kept a problem a secret. Her murder might have nothing to do with her castle employment, maybe she offended someone from her home in the city.”

He’s simply trying to make it seem like he has more answers than he does. He doesn’t want us to know he’s failed. He was supposed to keep the castle free of danger.

It’s clear that he’s run out of information to tell us. He’s drawn out the little information he does have as long as he can.  I ask, “Is anything known of her family?”

“No, we only know that she lived with someone in the city.”

“She might have been the only source of income of her family. If this is true, we should provide them with some type of income until their finances become stable.” I say.

 “We don’t know her home situation.”

“Can’t you ask somebody?” Violette sits up straighter. “One of the kitchen servants must have talked to her before about her life at home. I’m sure if we asked enough people, we would be able to help her family.”

William’s face remains blank, “I suppose I could assign someone to that duty.”

“What about the castle security?” Emilienne says, “Are we going to be employing more guards to the castle or add more shifts? If the murderer came from the city, surely we must make sure our castle walls are more secure.”

“I can assure you that you are not in danger. The guards are the most highly trained soldiers in the kingdom. The death of Evette was likely caused by a quarrel between her and someone else. Our castle will go back to the peaceful environment it has been for centuries.”

Emilienne nods but doesn’t seem convinced.

Maybe William’s not worried about the murderer, because he was the one who killed her. He’s never been very empathetic with us or the servants. But is he capable of murder?  How well do I really know William?

“Do you have any other questions or concerns regarding the unfortunate fate of Evette?” William almost seems to be daring us to ask him something.

I take him up on his challenge. “What about the public? Do they know what happened? Will we inform them of anything?”

“They will not be informed of the accident unless rumors begin spreading. Once the murderer is caught, we will have a public trial and inform them of what’s happened.”

Nobody says anything more. William nods tightly, “You may be dismissed.”

We rise, curtsy, and trail out of the door. Violette catches up to me, “I’m going to go to the Sitting Room. The castle musicians are going to play something for me. Would you like to come?”

 “Yes, although I’m going to stop by my room first for Grace and my book of poetry. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

We go our separate ways once we reach our sleeping quarters. Grace waits patiently inside, bent over a sheet of music. She smiles at me, “How did it go?”

“William barely knows anything, or at least he’s pretending not to know anything. I tried to find anything self incriminating within his words or emotions, but he was as blank as always.”

Grace shushes me, “Don’t say it out loud anymore. I don’t trust these walls too be thick enough to keep us from listening ears. It hasn’t left my mind since you left and I think we should drop the idea. Simply considering that he would, well…” She sends me a meaningful look, “…could get us executed. We can’t discuss it anymore.”

Chasing Royalty (Chasing Royalty Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now