Chapter 21

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*Connor's P.O.V*


I should've stopped the car right when Hanna told me too.

Now Nash and Hanna are in the hospital

and its all my fault.

I sould be the one in a coma.

I'm such a monster.

The worst part is, they have been in the hospital for 4 days now and i haven't even visited them yet.


*Nash's P.O.V*

I woke up from my heavy sleep.

I am suprised that i went to sleep.

All i have been doing is thinkig about Hanna..

and when i wasn't thinking about Hanna was... who am I kidding. I haven't stopped thinking about her.

I need to see her.

"Mom?" i said in a quiet voice

"Yes, Nash?" It looks like she has been up for a while.

"When can I see her?" i said

"I don't know, honey." She said "I'm really sorry"

she came over to me and brushed the little hairs out of my face.

"You must really love her, huh?" My mom said

"I love her more than anything. Its been killing me that she is in a coma since I woke up from my coma." I paused "God, i never should've got in that stupid car with Connor. I feel like he tries to mess up Hanna's life. He should be in a coma not Hanna!" i cried, tears came down my eyes.

just then, Cameron, Laura, Jack J, Jack G, Sammy, Taylor, and Zoe walked in my room

"Nash, thank God you're okay!" Cameron said running over to me giving me a hug

Jack and jack then joined, Taylor did too.

"Hey, you guys moved here!" I said

"Yeah, we all just moved into our houses and got the awful news.." Taylor said

"oh.." I said

"By the way, Mary is going to move into my house also" Jack G said and i nodded

"Have you guys seen Hanna?" I asked

they all nodded

Laura walked over to me

"Can I have a moment alone with Nash?" Laura asked

everyone, including my mom nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me and Laura alone.

"Thank you." She said

"Huh?" i said confused

"Thank you." She said again.

"For what?" i said, confused again.

"Everything" she paused "Hanna loves you Nash, and I'm happy that you love her too. She was so scared to go to school before, you changed it in a good way." Laura said

"This whole accident, its my fault." I said angrily

"Its not" She shook her head

"Yes it was." I said back

"No" she shook her head again

"You weren't there! How are you suppose to know!? Its my fault! I was the one who agreed to do the stupid video with Connor, i was the one who agreed to get into a car with him. He is physco! Its my fault!" i cried and Laura brought me into a hug.

"It was Connor. You did all you could in a situation like that." I hugged her back "She loves you, so much. Shes crazy about you. And when she wakes up, just know that she woke up for you." she let me go lightly.




Do you gys even like my story?

i feel like no one does.

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