Chapter 28

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*Laura's P.O.V*

I believe people can change.

Nash has proven to me before, that he has changed.

But, he obviously hurt her again. And that's not ok with me. I have seen her hurt so many times. I'm not going to watch her get hurt again. I have been with her through all of this bullshit that Nash has put her through before. I know he truly loves her, but the things he does sometimes is really awful and she doesn't deserve that after everything she's been through. I guess I have to set that boy straight.

I walk over to Nash's house.

I bang on the door angrily.

Nash then opens up the door.

"Why are you banging on the door so loud?" Nash asked

"How could you do that? You know all the times you put Hanna through crap. Well, guess what Nash? She is hurting again and it's because of you. When you left, she almost cut herself again. What a great boyfriend, leaving his girlfriend and you know she has problems and has a concussion from a car accident that you were involved with. You know about her past. How can you be so naive and so selfish to leave someone who I know you love and care about? Thats real fucked up Nash. Don't even say anything because I don't want to talk to you. Just let what I said, sink in. But, I suggest you walk your ass over to our house and apologize for being a crappy boyfriend." I said feeling powerful.

"I'm not a crappy boyfriend, just because we had an agrument doesn't mean-" i cut him off

"But keep in mind your argument was about you being drunk. You know all the time she came home from school and her dad was drunk. he abused her and said awful things to her and you know the rest. You just have to think before you do things. Also, did you not hear me say that you must cut herself again? I want her to get better but the only thing that's really bringing her down is you. I'm sorry Nash but, I think you might want to spend some time away from her for a while." I said

"Don't play that shit with me Laura. You aren't the one in this relationship. I love Hanna so fucking much. Don't accuse me of saying I don't-" i cut him off

"I didn't say that you didn't love her i said-" he cut me off

"Can you ever let me fucking speak? God damn it! Move out of my way." He pushed pass me and walked to mine and Hannas house.

*Hannas P.O.V*

I heard their whole fight.

They were screaming at eachother loud enough to head from my window.

I know Nash loves me.

And i love him.

Very much.

I heard him walk into my room.

"Baby." He said walking towards me






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