Chapter 24

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Hanna" my mom walked in crying as she hugged me.

"Hi mommy" I said tearing up as I hugged her

I don't care how old I get. She is, and forever will be my mommy.

Everyone else came in and hugged me also.

"I'll get the doctor" Nash stood up from his wheelchair and fell

"Nash!" I said nervously as he fell

His mom then helped him up.

"Nash, you still don't have good balance." His mom said

"I'm okay." He mouthed to me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I said

"Thats the last thing you need." Nash said sadly.

I looked down at my hands.

"I will get the doctor!" Cam said standing up and walking out of the door.

Laura stood up and grabbed my hand

"How are you, whore?" She said giggling a little, but had tears in her eyes.

"I'm breathing and out of a coma. I'm better then ever." I said smiling "slut"

We both laughed at our stupidity

Just then, and older looking man with glasses walked into my room.

"Hanna! How are you doing?" He said

"Great" I shrugged and smiled.

"Thats good. Well, I have been your doctor for the passed week, you wouldn't know that since you were in a coma but-" I cut him off

"Oh, I know you" everyone looked confused "I mean, I didn't know what you looked like till now but, I heard you. I heard everyone" I said

"You did?" He asked suprised "you are the first patient to say that. Most people i have he treated in a coma really couldn't hear anything, but a lot of other people i have spoke to said they could hear everything, but you are the first person i treated to say you have"

I smiled. I didnt really know what to say to be honest.

Nash smiled also.

"You heard me." Nash said and everyone looked at him "you woke up, because of me" he smiled again

"I did" i nodded and smiled back

"So you know about the whole, ya know.. accident?" Hayes asked a little cautious. I nodded

"Thats amazing" my doctor said "also, you do have a major concussion. But, you are free to go home in a couple days." The doctor said and i sighed

"Thanks, doctor." I said

"No problem." He smiled and walked out.

"This sucks fucking dick." I said forgetting my mom was in the room. "Oops"

"Hanna!" My mom yelled and laughed at the same time, everyone else was laughing. She didnt care of i swear.

"Well, jack, Sammy and i have to set up our house some more. We are gonna head out, but we will see you soon kid." Jack g said to me and i nodded. He kissed my forehead, same with Jack j and Sammy. They said bye to everyone else too and left.


1 hour later.

I told everyone to go home and get some rest, other then Elizabeth and Hayes since they are staying with us until they leave.

Nash was the only one here.

"Nash, i love you so much." I said and he smiled

"I love you too. I would say my whole speech i said while you were still in a coma, but you already heard it" he giggled

"I did hear it" i nodded

"And what did you think of it?" Nash asked

"That the accident isn't your fault." I said and shook my head

"But it is.." He frowned

"Its no ones fault." I said

"It is connors." He said angrily

"Its no ones. This could've happened at anytime." I said

"Yeah but, it wouldn't have happened if connor didnt go down the hill." Nash said angrily.

"Nash, i said its no ones fault, so can we stop fucking reliving the accident!?" I said with tears streaming down my face.

Nash hugged me

"I'm sorry baby." Nash was tearing up too. "I need to know when to shut my big mouth." He said

He held my hand in comfortable silence as i drifted off into sleep.



No? Probably not.

I havent Updated in such a long long long time! Sorry! I have been extremely busy.

And also i had really bad writers block!

Instagram: @//gilinskys.addiction

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