Chapter 1

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"What the fuck! Why are you here?" I asked

"Hanna. You look so beautiful" he kissed my cheek

"Don't put your disgusting lips on my face, Brian!" I yelled

"Really, Hanna? Brian?" He chuckled

"Yes. Thats your name." I spat back in total disbelief

"How could you be so rude to your father?"

*Hanna's P.O.V*

"How did you get in my house!?" I said.

"Your mother left the door unlocked" he giggled "she was never the sharpest tool in the shed."

"Don't. You. Dare. Say that about my mom. I thought you loved her when i was little. You never truly loved her when you guys were together." i said seriously

"Of course i cheated on her, Hanna, She was never satisfying." He laughed "i did Hanna, many, many times"

I was dumbfounded.

"How could you do that?" I cried "Not only did you hurt my mother. You hurt me in the worse way possible and i will never, ever forgive you. You fucked up my life. I would never have started cutting myself or get bullied. Thanks to you." I took a deep breathe. That felt good to let out.

"Oh, Hanna. Shut the hell up." He laughed

"Don't tell me what to do." I clentched my jaw.

"You better watch what you say. It can get you in trouble." He said.

"How did you get out of jail anyways?" I asked

"I have my ways" he gave me a devilish smirk.

I wasn't thinking.

I punched his jaw. Hard.

He slammed me up against the wall.

"You probably wish you never would of did that" he said. He punched me square in the nose. I instantly knew it was broken, blood was gushing out of my nose.

I was bawling.

"NASH HELP!" I cried and tried to get out of his grip. It was no use. He was too strong for me. he pushed me down on the floor and was kicking me with major force
"STOP" I screamed. This can't be happening again.
i tried to run for my door. Once i opened it, i felt him grab my hair and pull me back making me fall on the floor.

*Nash's P.O.V*

"Welcome, home" my mom hugged me and Hayes when i walked in

"Thanks" i smiled and kissed her cheek.

"What do you plan on doing today" my mom asked

"I was going to go to Hanna's house after i put all my stuff away" i said

"Okay, have fun" my mom said

I went upstairs into my room.

"My beddddd" i layed down on my bed for a moment.

It will be nice not to sleep on a stiff hotel bed.

I dumped all my dirty clothes into a hamper and put my suitcase into my closet and went over to Hanna's house.

I walked into her house, without knocking. I mean, i pratically live there.

I heard a loud thump on the ground.

"Hanna?" I yelled nervously and ran upstairs to her room.

*Hanna's P.O.V.*

"Hanna?" I heard someone say. I knew it was Nash.

"Nash! Help!" I cried

"Shut the fuck up!" My dad whisper yelled and slapped me hard, in the face.

Nash then barged into my room.

I was on the floor all messed up because of this grown man who is just my sperm donor, fuck him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Nash said. Looks like he recognized my dad.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said. Looks like he didn't recognize Nash.

"I'm Nash. Her boyfriend" he said pushing me aside and punched my dads jaw, knocking him out cold.

"Call 911, before he wakes up!" Nash said

I dialed the number

"911, Whats your emergancy?" The operator said

"Please help! My dad abused me when i was little and he came back and my boyfriend just saved me" i cried

"Where is your father now?" They asked

"My boyfriend punched him because my dad was beating me again and now he is knocked out. Please come now!" I cried and Nash hugged me

"Hang in there sweetie. We are sending help right away." The operator said.

I hung up.

A couple minutes later i heard sirens.





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