Chapter 8

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Two lines." Nash said fearfully

I put my hands on my head and started crying

"Shit" i said and he hugged me

"Those are just store bought test." Nash said

"Should i make a doctors appointment for tomorrow then? And have them give me a test there? It will be accurate." I wiped of my tears.

"Yeah" Nash nodded "i will call if you want." He said and i nodded.

He called and made the appointment.

Later that night.

"What if i am pregnant?" I said while Nash and i were cuddling in his bed.

"Then we will love that baby with all of our hearts" he kissed my cheek.

"I love you" i said

"I love you too." He said

"What will the fans think?" I asked

"Its our life" he shrugged "they should be happy."

"No one is happy when a 17 year old gets pregnant though. Especially with someone like you" i sighed

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You're Nash Grier." I said

"I'm aware." He chuckled

"Stop" i nudge his arm "you know what i mean."

"I know" he kissed my lips "i just like messing with you."

"I'm aware" i said trying talk like him

"Don't mock me" he laughed.


"Hanna Russell?" The doctor called my name and Nash and I stood up.

We both agreed if i am not pregnant, we don't tell anyone about this.

If i am... We tell everyone together.

"Okay how old are you?" She asked

"17" i looked down and said it quietly

Wow. She probably thinks I'm such a whore.

"Was this planned in anyway?" She asked

I shook my head.

"This test is one of the best there is. It is 99.9 percent accurate." She said which made me 1000000 Times more nervous.

"Are you ready?" She said and i nodded

Nash hugged me

"Whatever happens, happens. Okay?" Nash kissed my cheek.

"Okay" i let go of him and took the test.

I am not ready to be a mom. Please give me a miracle. But, then again its me and everything goes wrong. I peed into the cup that i was handed to by the nurse.

"I will give you the results in 10 minutes" she said and walked out.

"It will be okay. As long as we are together, everything is perfect." Nash said

"You're right." I kissed him

"Thanks for coming."

"I wouldn't never miss this." He said

10 minutes passed and the doctor walked in.

"Hi Hanna. I have your results." She said.




Please be negative


"You are not pregnant." She said and 100 pounds fell off my shoulder.

I saw Nash breathe out.

"Thank you" i said

"No problem." She said "do you have any questions for me?"

"I am a week late on my period and i got sick this morning. What would that be?" I asked

"Your menstrual cycle is probably acting up. And for that reason you got sick. You're fine" she smiled

"Thank you" i said one last time before we left

We were in Nash's car.

"You know i love you.. But i am so happy i am not pregnant" i said

"Yeah, i know" he giggled "next time lets not get that drunk." He said and i agreed




also, i see all of your comments and i love them! I just cant respond to them idk Why.

A Taylor caniff account on here always votes and comments on my story and i want to thank her.

So if you are reading this you probably know Who you are. SO THANK YOU!!! Ily!!!

And, the more you comment, the more it makes me want to update!

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