Chapter 2- Catharsis

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Then the pain just...stopped after about an hour, which was when Ricky came down and put his hand on my shoulder. I knew slaves weren't supposed to touch their owners but there was something different about him, it brought humanity back into me and he made me feel.

"Are you okay Chrissy?" I looked at Ricky as my head once again started hurting but thankfully it wasn't hurting as much. "Don't call me that..." his face dropped and he nodded. If only I knew what he was thinking, I could figure all of this out relatively pain free. "Yes sir..."
"Now let's take you on this tour of my house then." I said, holding my hand out. He grasped it and pulled me up, and neither is us let go. I stood there, looking down into his entrancing blue eyes as  he stared into my red ones. "Your eyes...they're brown again..." I looked at him in complete confusion, I don't remember having brown eyes. But when I let go and checked, they were brown, like Ricky said.

"What the fuck is happening to me..." I muttered, looking at Ricky. He looked so familiar, each of his tattoos were beautiful and familiar even though I know I hadn't seen him before, I'm definitely sure I would've remembered him. Ricky looked at with pain in his eyes, which hurt me. "Chris...please...please remember please..."
"Ricky...remember what?"
"Remember me and the band and us!"

"You are absolutely mental ive never seen you before!!"
"Yes you have! Remember for fucks sake Chris!!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO!" I shouted, holding my head and groaning in pain.
"No, I'll never leave you. I won't do what you did!"
"Ricky fucking Olson go away!"
I didn't know where or how I knew his last name, but I must've been told it at some point.

"You're remembering...Chrissy please! Remember me! Please." He sobbed, suddenly falling to his knees and curling into a ball. I was confused, until I saw the blood on my hand. His face was covered in blood. I was disgusted with myself, how could I have hurt him? ", come here..." Everything I said was instinctive and it felt right, like I was meant to say and do exactly what I was doing. I dropped to my knees and pulled him into my lap.

He cuddled into my chest crying and I started rocking him whilst he was in my arms, trying to ignore the pain and agony in my head, which was gradually getting weaker. "Shh it's okay pet, calm down my beautiful pet..." I whispered, keeping him as close as I could. He seemed to calm down for a bit before he went hysterical, repeating "he's dead oh god my baby's dead..."
"Whose dead?"
"You..." and he started crying even more.

"Ricky...I'm gonna call Ryan." I said, pushing the crying boy off of me and speed dialing Ryan. "What?"
"Sort him out he's crying about someone being dead?"
"Fuck. Pass the phone over."
I did as Ryan asked me to and Ricky seemed to calm down and eventually fell asleep. I picked him up and put him in his bed, gently kissing the top of his head and sighing.

My head hurt every time I thought about Ricky and I didn't know why, he mentioned remembering, but remembering what? That he was called Ricky Olson? That Ryan, Vinny and Justin were my friends? My eyes widened at the new piece of information I'd uncovered. If I had friends, then I'd forgotten them. And judging by Ricky's reaction it must've been traumatic. "Argh this is fucking stupid!"
I just wanted...well I didn't know the answer to that but all I wanna know is who I really am. My name...

I sat down and started thinking, trying to dig up any memories I might have left. My name is Chris Cerulli, I'm the lead singer of...motionless in white? "Im in a band?"
"Yes, Chris you were. Before you died." Ricky said, appearing out of nowhere.
"I died? What? How?"
"Devin...he was being possessed and well, you protected me jumping in front of me as he shot me."
"He fucking what? No he wouldn't! Dev isn't like that!" I glared at Ricky, I knew something was wrong I mean if Devin supposedly shot Ricky then what else happened?

"That's what i thought." I looked at Ricky and my head started hurting again but even more before I everything went dark.

Ricky dropped to his knees beside me, crying and begging me to stay awake. "Chris please...please don't Chris DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" He shouted, resting his head on my chest and crying bitterly and heartbrokenly. Darkness began to coat my vision and I started feeling cold. "I...I love you, I'm sorry." And then my heart stopped beating and darkness took over my body and mind.

When I opened my eyes, Ricky was above me looking worried. I placed my hand on his cheek, staring into his eyes. I remembered almost everything. And I wanted it back. "Chrissy?"
"I'm back baby, and I'm not leaving you again." He flung himself into my lap and I held him close kissing his cheek and then him as passionately as I could, willing his pain away. "I'm sorry I'm here now, im so sorry Ricky baby.." I whispered, holding my little raccoon as close as I could.

"I thought I wouldn't get to have you again...the real you.." he said, resting his head on my shoulder. I sighed and nodded, I knew what he meant. I was just glad I'd managed to remember. "Hey baby?"
"I love you so fucking much..." I muttered, gently biting his earlobe.
" you too..." I pulled away and looked at him, with his pink cheeks and glittering blue eyes. I smirked as he hid his face and closed my eyes, everything calm and perfect.

For now anyway.
(1007 words)

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