Chapter 16- what have you done?

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I woke up to a loud knock on the door and I groaned, cuddling up to Chris who sighed. "Why can't we just have a lie in? Just for once, why?!" He muttered, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his bare chest. The door knocked again and Chris groaned, gently pushing me off his chest and rolling out of bed. He put his jeans and a plain top on before he walked downstairs and let whoever was knocking in.

I ended up cuddling up to the blanket and tried to get back to sleep. But then, I heard Chris raise his voice and another, very familiar voice ring out. Groaning, I pulled a pair of jeans on and walked downstairs and up to Chris and I froze. Devin was at our door, tear stained and holding a bouquet of black roses. "I am sorry Chris I-I didn't know what else to do..." he sobbed, falling to his knees. As much as I'd love to leave him like that, I wasn't unnecessarily cruel, so I helped him up. Chris helped me and together we carried Dev to the couch and sat him down.

"Lilith...she...s-she made me do it!" He cried, hiding his face and bawling his eyes out. I looked at Chris and he nodded, so I hugged him tightly and he cried into my shoulder. I knew what it was like, having a demon influence and control you. Hell, all of us did. But to force someone to do what she forces Dev to do was just...wrong. So fucking wrong. And this is coming from a "demon prince" and an Assassin. So, obviously it's extreme.

He looked up at me and then, I saw a change in his eyes. He stood up and pulled a gun out, pointing it directly at me. Again. This time, I was scared. I knew if I got shot I'd be dead. There was no second chance for me. And Chris knew this as well. "If you don't break the engagement off I'll kill him." I looked at Chris with pure fear in my eyes and I felt my eyes water. Especially when he shrugged, looking at Devin expressionlessly. "I mean it! I-I'll shoot him! I'll blow his brains out!"
"Go ahead."

What. The. Fuck. "Chris!?" I said, starting to cry. He looked at me briefly before turning to face Devin again. I cried uncontrollably, my heart breaking and the threat of death inevitable. Even Devin's eyes widened briefly before he locked and loaded the gun, aiming at my heart. "So you don't care if I kill him, right?" Chris nodded and I sobbed even louder, practically screaming as he pulled the trigger. But he hasn't loaded the bullet. "That was a blank. The rest are holy bullets." Chris didn't look bothered, which destroyed me even more.

I was hysterical until I heard Chris' next words. "I'm calling your bluff. You won't shoot Ricky. Even if you tried to, you'd be dead long before you shoot him. He's mine for eternity and I am NOT letting a run down, desperate punk like you, kill him." I kept crying and shaking my head and I saw Devin, the REAL Devin break through and drop to his knees, crying and Chris kicked the gun away before he ran to me, wrapping his arms around me and holding me whilst I cried. "It's okay, Ricky baby please. Calm down, it's over it's all over love..." I shook my head and buried my face in his chest. Things were never that easy, not for me and Death Incorporated. And Chris knew that. "Shhh..." he whispered, humming the tune to City lights.

For some strange reason, it started to calm me down. "Paralysed by my envy of the night,
I am lost without you here and outside it looks like rain. Tonight I bleed myself dry, I bleed myself dry, I bleed myself dry! And nothing I could ever write could help you understand this life. There's so much beauty when your eyes, lay lost in all the city lights.." he sung softly, making me feel drowsy and more pissed off at Devin. How could he do that to me? I don't even care that he was possessed or being controlled, he'd still pointed a gun at me twice and tried to kill me.

I think Chris noticed my change in mood, because he kissed the top off my head and started rocking side to side until I'd calmed down enough for him to let me go. He went to deal with Devin, probably making sure he was okay and getting Lucien involved whilst I laid down on the couch and took a quick nap to try and process everything that had just happened.
(807 words)

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