Chapter 6- Burned at both ends

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As soon as me and Ricky had finished our cuddle, I remembered something from a more recent date, another concert. At Birmingham, I played with Skold and Defying Decay. That tour was great! I opened with Undead ahead 2 and the crowd went wild. They also went crazy during Devils night, they even fucking started moshing! And during Eternally yours, the last song we played, purple and black confetti was blown out of a cannon and went everywhere, making the crowd go nuts. I swear a few even started crying. I smiled fondly at the memory, until Ricky shook me, dragging me out of the memory.

"When are we gonna put this plan into action?"
"The sooner the better, I wanna go home. Our fans miss us and I miss Earth. I miss my home..."
"Then we'll have to go shopping...if there's shops in hell anyway..." Ricky said, thinking ahead, making me smile again. "There are, actually. Our types of shops as well..."
I watched as his eyes widened with joy and I smiled widely. "Then let's go! Also why was you smiling earlier?"
"I remembered the concert we did at Birmingham...the Disguise tour one."
"Ah. Yeah that was great. The crowd loved us so much they basically begged for one more song..."
"I know. The end of the concert was great tho, right?"
"The confetti?"
"Yeah..." I said, remembering the crowds faces and the pure joy and excitement and the energy in the room. He smiled at me and hugged me, kissing my cheek.

"You're remembering even more!"
"I know..." I smiled, holding him close. He closed his eyes and rested his head on my chest, smiling and breathing softly. "As much as I love this, if you wanna go shopping then we'll have to get ready loverboy."
"Fine, come on then." I smiled and followed Ricky to our bedroom, grateful that he was living with me again. I changed my black t-shirt to a black shirt with red buttons and MIW on the side. He took the black top he borrowed off of me off and bent down in front of me because he dropped it "accidentally" so I stood behind him and "accidentally" slapped and squeezed his ass, hearing him moan quietly.

"What is it with you and my ass, Chris?"
"It's just perfect! So squishy and round and perfect..." I said, squeezing it again. He stood up, and dragged me down to the bed, once again pinning my hands above my head and kissing me deeply, full of passion and love. "I love you, Rickster..."
"I love you too Chrissy..." he muttered, taking my shirt off and quickly giving my a hickey on my chest. "How come the hickeys have stayed?" I asked, sitting up and looking for my shirt, which Ricky had already put on. "Cheeky little shit..." I laughed, as he smiled sweetly.

"Also the hickeys are still there because 1) they weren't made with a malicious intent and 2) im your boyfriend and I guess hickeys and shit like that that your partner give you don't fade." I nodded, I guess it made some sort of sense and it made this madness less...mad. I rolled off the bed, landing on my feet and I went into my draws and pulled another shirt out. This one was one of the Band Merch, a black top with motionless in white at the top and a picture of the band, with disguise written underneath. I sighed and put it on, realising it was one of the oversized ones Ricky brought a lot. "Rick baby?"
"Yes love?"
"Why is your shirt in my draws?"
"Because it's too big for me so I used as a shirt for when I was messing around or just chilling and now I've given it to you..." I hummed and smelled the top, smelling Ricky's usual aftershave and I smiled, shaking my head. "You're amazing love." He smiled and winked at me before he pulled his jeans off and changed into a pair of black, torn jeans. I took mine off and put a pair of leather pants on, shaking my head in dismay when I realised they were the only ones clean. "Looks like I need to get more washing powder.." I muttered, putting my socks and boots on. Ricky was one step ahead of me, he even had his leather jacket on.

"So what is left of this life that's in front of me?
Is there a future when you only see in memories?
When every loss, every beauty just reminds you of the past, how can you just let go?

I'm holding onto a life I'll never get back,
It's too hard to let go.
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks,
Trying to to derail.
Nothing is like it was before,
I know not who I am anymore.
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?
Broken promises left to mend,
Burning the candle at both ends,
No light to find my way back home,
but I don't know where home is anymore" I sung, sighing in frustration.

"The sinking ship has washed ashore!" Ricky throat sung, looking me in the eyes and I smiled at him, finishing the song off with him. "This misery has got to end,
What's done is done,
The past is a strange place
Look at me now, a fool with everything but yet he's still so hollow.
Look at us now, no lights just struggling to find our way back home..." then me and Ricky both sung the chorus again. moving closer to each other until we were holding each other's hands and singing to each other.

"You'll find your way back home, I'll help you Chrissy, I promise." I nodded and kissed him, moving away and putting my piercings in. "Let's go then, okay baby?" He nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him until we were outside. "If these implanted memories are correct, I have a car somewhere the fuck?" It wasn't a car. It was a fucking limousine. "Woah!" Ricky said, looking at in in awe. "How the the fuck?" He shrugged and then a driver came out and opened the door for me and Ricky. "After you, sirs." He said bowing.

I looked at Ricky who shrugged and we sat in the back of a limousine, drinking wine and vodka. "This is great!" I said, feeling a bit tipsy. Ricky laughed and nodded, resting his head on my shoulder. "Oi! Driver?"
"Yes sir?"
"How long until we're at the shopping centre?"
"A few minutes sir." I sighed and nodded, resting my head in the back of the seat.

When we were there, we went inside and looked at the clothes, I grabbed the same suit I had when I hade the music video for devils night and I saw that Ricky had done the same. I smiled and we brought some more shirts and jeans before we went to get some more makeup and different piercings. We also got one more tattoo of the date of our anniversary and left with 10 bags each. We climbed into the limo and went home, almost falling asleep in the back.

As soon as I was inside, Ricky dropped to the ground. I dropped my bags and ran to Ricky, shaking him. "Ricky?! RICKY!!" I shouted, trying to get a reaction out of him. Which didn't work. I saw some blood around his nose and mouth and punched a wall as hard as I could, before holding him in my arms crying. I didn't know what'd happened to him,but I didn't like it. "RICKY PLEASE BABY!" I screamed, feeling lonelier then ever. My world was over if he died and I hoped he wouldn't I couldn't cope without Ricky. "LUICEN YOU BASTARD GET HERE!" I shouted and to my surprise, Lucien appeared in a black suit. "What?"
"Help...Ricky..." I sobbed, holding Ricky. Lucien walked over and his eyes widened in shock.

"Please don't tell me he drank the wine and Vodka in your limo..."
"He did... we both did..."
"YOU IDIOT! It's for demons only!" Lucien growled, lifting Rickys eyelid. His eye dilated, so I know he's alive. "The only way he can be saved is if you give him you demon blood and save his life. I suggest you choose quickly because he has about a minute to live." I let out a sob before I ripped my wrist open and poured my blood into his mouth, crying in fear and hate.

Then he swallowed. And again. And again. As soon as my wrist had healed up, he mumbled and turned over in my arms, sleeping silently. I let out a breath of relief and wiped my eyes. He was safe. I hoped anyway. Lucien checked his pulse, nodded to himself and went to leave. "Wait!"
"Why would you help me save him?"
"Death incorporated are my best Assassins I can't afford to lose you people. When he wakes up, tell me because he'll be a demon and I have to explain a few things to him. Then, you need to become a demon prince and both of you can go."
"How? How can Ricky leave when he's gonna be a demon as well?"
"Because you and him are bound by blood. You two can never part otherwise you will die." Then he left, leaving me holding my partner for eternity.
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