Chapter 11- disguting piece of shit

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Trigger warning throughout this chapter
(Ryan's p.o.v)

Okay, so I know Chris and Ricky are engaged and all of that shit, I also know that they're faster than the rest of us. But do they have to be sucking each other's tongues down the others throat each fucking time we fall behind? I mean, it makes me and Justin feel awkward because we're the only fucking single members left in the band. Vinny's with Josh, which is so cute and Chris and Ricky are obviously together. But me and Justin are as single as well, a single person I guess.

When we'd finally gotten to the weird ass dome building where the grenade ink thing was, I was sick and tired of being made to feel like a third wheel again. "Hey, Ry? Come here for a second would ya?" I fell behind with Justin and he stopped us from following them in for a few seconds. "What's up man?" I asked, watching as he lifted his mask. He lifted mine and the next thing I knew, his lips were planted firmly against mine and my fingers was in his hair, pulling and tugging.

We broke apart and looked at each other before he gave me his signature smirk and gestured for us to follow the others in. I pulled my mask back down and he slapped my ass before we both went inside, leaving me more confused than ever. I made sure a silencer was on my gun before I walked in and my jaw dropped. This disgusting fucking business had dead fucking puppies and babies in weird ass containers, making me gag and throw up in a corner. "Ugh...guys..." I weakly called, Justin rubbing my back as my stomach decided to repay my favour and empty itself.

"Oh holy shit that  is just...just..." and then Ricky, Vinny and Chris all started dry heaving as the stench of death reached their noses. I couldn't stop being sick and soon, they all joined me until all of our stomachs were empty. "What the fuck is this? Who the fuck would do something so sick and twisted?" Ricky kept repeating, trying to look anywhere but where the dead poor motherfuckers were, and failing spectacularly each time. "These are fucking nasty. They're fucking rank they need to be fucking killed like the vermin they are..." Vinny muttered, looking at the floor and shaking with rage. I wasn't exactly in much of a batter place, at least i now know why the all of Death Incorporated were called out to this one.

These fucked up bastards were killing baby animals and people and using parts of their bodies in their products. Ricky ended up crying as we walked through the room of horror and honestly, I'm sure we all wanted to cry. Something like that was just wrong and so fucking hurtful to just fucked us all up seeing it. Fuck, words can't even express how royally fucked up this entire fucking organisation is and I can't wait to fucking destroy them like the twisted, sick animals they were.

And then. Then it just got fucking worse. In the next room, what i saw pissed and hurt me more than anything ever before. My ex girlfriend and her baby were laid on an operating table, ripped up and almost almost unidentifiable. Chris and Ricky gasped and stood there while Justin dragged me out of the room just as I felt all the emotions reach the peak. I had a huge breakdown and ended up crying into Justin's chest, hurting more than I'd thought possible. "We'll get them, Ry, trust me we will. Those fuckers are gonna pay." I nodded and I'd composed myself so that when the others reached us, I looked fine...ish. Then in the last room, we saw them. None of us followed our usual procedure, we just all ran at them, shouting and stabbing them, shooting them and making sure all of those disgusting bastards suffered.

Then I saw one, one who was the obvious leader. The guys looked at each other and stepped back, letting me end the entire fucking thing. I growled at the person and kicked him in this fat, disgusting face, breaking his nose and i Didn't stop, i didn't even stop when he was dead and no one stopped me. No one would, these were some sick fucking rank bastards and I enjoyed killing them. Lucien appeared out of nowhere and looked at us all, covered in blood, knives in hands and all panting and shaking with rage.

"Well done. These sick fucks deserved this and more. I'll make sure all of the...uh...people and animals will be brought back to life so it'll be like none of this would have ever happened. I couldn't step in until these were dead, especially him." Lucien said, pointing at the twisted, dead person beneath my feet. As we watched, his form changed and I had the dead body of a demon prince laid at my feet. "Now, I can't make you into a demon prince, Ryan, so what would you like me to do in return?"
"Make sure nothing...AND I MEAN FUCKING NOTHING like this EVER FUCKING HAPPENS AGAIN!!" I shouted, punching the wall again and again until Justin and Vinny pulled me away, Justin holding me tight and Vinny checking my hands and making sure I could heal easily.

Fucking hell. This entire ordeal was completely and utterly fucked up and I never EVER wanted to see ANYTHING like this ever again, even the thought of it had me feeling sick.
(937 words)

Okay guys? I just wrote this off the top of my head and I don't agree with any of it except the people being killed for being disgusting and I am so sorry if I offended or hurt anyone who reads this I honest to god sorry guys!!

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