Chapter 7- whats done is done

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I remembered feeling weird after I'd drank the wine in Chris' limo, but I thought nothing about it. I mean I thought i was drunk or something, but before I managed to get into Chris' front room, my nose and mouth began to bleed and that was it.

I knew something was wrong, especially when everything was dark and I felt like I was being burnt and ripped apart. I couldn't scream, I couldn't move I was just being slowly killed. Then, something cold went all over me and the pain just stopped. I think I had blood or water in my mouth so I vaguely remember swallowing a few times and darkness took over me again. I didn't like what was happening I mean, I didn't even know what it was.

When I woke up, I was in Chris' arms and it looked like he'd been crying, which pulled at my heart and made me feel bad. "Chrissy, what's wrong my love?"
"Oh god Ricky! Baby!" I was confused and he pressed his lips against mine, holding me tightly and kissing me deeply. I obviously kissed him back, and I swear something had happened, but what? "You nearly died! Oh god Ricky it's all my fault!" He said, moving away with tears in his eyes. Wait what? "What do you mean?" I was confused. How could I have almost died and yet not moved from Chris'?

"Ricky, you're awake I see. Chris, leave him and I'll sort this out." Chris nodded and helped me up to my feet, a frown on his face as he kissed me lovingly before he left. "So what happened then?"
"You drank Demon Wine. It corrupted and poisoned you. Chris saved your life by giving you some of his blood, but when he did that a blood bond tied you to Chris' soul and if one of you die, the other dies. It's a very powerful bond and it can't be broken. You have to be with Chris for all eternity. When he gave you his blood, he also made you a demon."
"Does that mean I have to kill a demon prince as well?"
"No. All that has to happen is Chris has to kill a demon prince so I can name him the new demon prince. You don't have to because of the bond between you two. It means that when he is a demon Prince, you will be elevated to the same status immediately." Im pretty sure I looked confused, and I'm sure Lucien knew i was confused. But he didn't explain anything else to me, he just left.

I walked to Chris and looked him dead in the eyes, glaring slightly. "Are my eyes red?"
"A bit..."
"Why didn't you tell me about the wine?"
"I didn't know! Christ, Ricky please believe me I didn't know!"
"Okay...okay...well I'm going to go get Ryan here and I'm going to stay with him for a bit."
"No! Don't go! Please no!"
"I need time, Chris. You just made me into a fucking demon because you "forgot" to warn me about the poisoned wine!"
"I DIDN'T KNOW! Don't leave me please oh god please Ricky baby don't!"
I shook my head and walked off. Yeah, of course I was hurting. I fucking loved Chris more than anything and I hated hurting him. But I needed time, and he needs to know how I feel. I'll probably just have Ryan stay here for a few weeks until the plans over and we can go home.

"Yes,Ricky?" He asked, over the weird phone Lucien had given us so we could stay in contact. "Can you come over and stay at Chris' with me? Somethings happened..."
"I'll be there in an hour." And he hung up. After  our fight, me and Ry had spoken and sorted it out, so I had my best friend back. Chris came into me and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away gently. "I need time, Chris. I'm not breaking up with you, and I'm not leaving your house but Ryan's coming to stay for a while and I'm gonna stay by him. I love you, I'm sorry." And I walked off, trying to pretend that I couldn't hear his cries.

When Ryan got here, we both went into a double room, with two single beds and I sat down on one, my head in my hands and I cried. "Ricky, what happened?" Ryan asked, sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "C-Chris...he didn't warn me about p-poisoned wine a-and I drank it a-and I almost died...I-I'm not human anymore!" And I cried even harder.
"Shit. That's just...fuck...where is he?" I shrugged and he left the room. I laid down and a few minutes later, I heard shouting.

There was a minute of silence before I heard Chris speak lower than he usually does. "I didn't know about the fucking wine. It doesn't fucking matter anymore, he doesn't want me. Just go and leave me alone Ryan."
"NO! Stop fucking feeling sorry for yourself! It's YOUR fault he's like this in the first place! So YOU go grow a pair and fucking sort it out!"
There was another minute of silence before I heard the door knock. "Ricky? It's me can I come in?" Chris asked.
"Mhm..." I said, sitting up and wiping my eyes.

The door opened and he walked in, looking at me a mad I saw the pain in his eyes, which matched how I felt. "Ricky, I honestly forgot about the wine, and I am so sorry. I never wanted you to end up the way I did because even though it speeds everything up and improves everything, you're only 33 and I don't want you to be a demon, it's like your dead. I didn't want this for you."
"Chris, you're only 35! You've died in my arms and look at how you ended up! No, I didn't want to be a demon but what's done is done I guess, there's nothing else we can do but hurry this plan up and go home."

"Yeah, Arakiel sent me an invitation to his party, well one for me and one for you..."
I looked at Chris and as soon as he saw my red eyes, he walked over to me and held me close, letting me cry in his arms. "No, don't cry. Baby don't shh it's okay, it'll be okay baby..." he said soothingly, and I ended up relaxing in his arms and smiling. Everything was going to be okay. At least I hoped it would.
(1170 words)

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