Chapter 8- Cant believe its real

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The party was the same night, so i was getting ready whilst Chris was on the phone to Lucien. I'd already had a shower and put my suit on, but I wasn't sure how I should do my makeup. The longer I thought about it, the more certain I became; I'd do my normal make up the "Raccoon eyes" and I'd put my piercings in.

After I'd done that, Chris walked in and his mouth practically dropped open. "You look...amazing baby!" I felt myself blush and I looked down, smiling. "Thanks..." he walked over and lifted my head so I was looking at him. "I mean it." He whispered, planting a kiss against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shoulders and kissed him back, pressing myself against him. He groaned into my mouth and pulled away with a frustrated look on his face. "What's up baby?"
"What do you think?" Ohh. I went bright red and looked away, unsure what to do. I mean I knew what I wanted to do but we didn't exactly have time...not until after. "I'll go get the gun and the bullets." He nodded and I went into the spare room and opened the top draw before I grabbed the gun and bullets before I walked back into Chris and froze.

He looked so hot. His back was to me and he had his shirt off. I think he was buckling his belt up because he'd put his suit on and i literally just stood there, my mouth open. "Fuck..." I whispered, running a hand through my hair. He turned around and smirked, walking up to me slowly. He gently stroked my face and rested his hand over my heart, bending down slightly to rest his forehead against mine. "I love you so fucking much and when you're ready for more then I'll give you whatever you want. You are everything I've ever dreamed of and more, I love you my little Raccoon.."
"I love you too Chrissy..." I whispered, closing my eyes as he pressed his lips to mine softly.

He pulled away after a few minutes and put his shirt on with the tie and jacket. "Are you ready my love?" I nodded and he smiled, putting his piercings in and doing his eyebrows and his eyeliner. "Come on then, let's go." He said, grabbing my hand. "Ry watch the house while I'm out!" I called as Chris pulled me to the limo. He sat me on his lap and I cuddled up to him, almost falling asleep. After about an hour, we were there and as I left the limo I swear to fucking hell, my eyes must've popped out of my skull. Arakiel's palace was fucking huge and made out of some red and black bricks that made it look fucking amazing! There were probably another couple of hundred people going up the steps to his palace and I had to stop myself from freaking out. Especially since the gun was loaded and hidden in my suit jacket.

But we got in easily and I saw Arakiel. He was tall, not as tall as Chris but taller than me. His hair was gold, his eyes were a bright red and he was dressed in a blue suit. He was cute, not as cute as Chris but good looking. "Pass me the gun." I looked at Chris and I saw a determined look in his eyes. I hugged him and felt him grab the gun out of the pocket and he locked it before pointing it at Arakiel and he pulled the trigger 6 times. I watched as his body began to smoke and the crowd looked at Chris with interest in their eyes. I held one of Chris' hands as we walked up to his decaying body and Lucien appeared.

"As it is our custom, Chris shall now be crowned demon prince of pride. Chris, do you accept this privilege, do you swear on the soul of you and your partner to uphold our standards and missions until eternity ends?"
"I do, my Lord."
"Do you swear to only abide by your own rules, and to continue proving that only the strongest and smartest survive?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"The I, Lucien Morgenstern, name you Christopher Cerulli the Prince of Pride and your partner, Richard Olson also prince due to your blood bond." I nodded with Chris and suddenly, I felt my heart burn and I knew Chris was feeling the same thing I was.

I felt like I was burning inside with all the raw power that had electrified me. I felt my powers grow and I knew that I wouldn't be dying. I knew I was stronger and quicker. I was better. As I watched, the demons all kneeled with the heads bowed to me, Chris and Lucien, the demon royalty in the palace. "So what do we do now?" Chris muttered to Lucien.
"Now, my friends, you can go back home!" And with that, a portal opened in front of us. "What about Ryan?"
"He's already on Earth. I've gotten someone to protect your mansion, and this palace will be converted into your and your partners palace, Ricky. Now go." And with that, I held onto Chris' hand tightly and we walked through the glowing portal, leaving the golden room and our realm behind.
(903 words)

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