Chapter 17- Big day

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-three years later-


I stood by the mirror, relentlessly checking my tie and suit to make sure they were both perfect. I was so fucking nervous, I was doing anything I could to distract myself. Which pissed Ryan, my best man, off. "Chris! Fucking chill!"
"Did I bring the rings?! Oh god Ryan!!"
"Chris. The rings are here, I've got them. Calm down. We need to go out anyway and you need to wait for Ricky." I nodded and checked my black suit again before I opened the Christ doors and walked down the decorated aisle to the altar, where a very unhappy priest was waiting for me. Ryan smiles encouragingly at me and took a step back, all of our friends and families eyes on me.

Once again, I felt anxious and nervous. That was until the doors opened again and the song Ricky chose, City lights, began to play. I turned to look at him and smiled happily. He was in a suit, the same type as me and his blue eyes were glittering, and they seemed more blue because of his eyeliner. He looked so fucking hot it was unreal. His dad was walking him down the aisle, with Justin as his best man. I couldn't wait until he was mine legally. I'd get to be with him, we'd be together for all eternity and nobody could destroy the bond I had with him.

Ricky eventually reached my side and he smiled at me, blushing and biting his piercings. I smiled back, ecstatic. His dad placed Ricky's hand into my own and I rubbed his hand as we both faced the moody priest. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two...mortals in holy matrimony. With our lord as our witness, we plead him to allow the union of these two souls. Repeat after me, Christopher."
I nodded. "I, Chris Cerulli, take you Ricky Olson, to be my lawfully wedded husband in life and death, in sickness and health for as long as we both shall live." I said, looking into Ricky's tearful eyes, carefully putting the ring on his ring finger and feeling a wave of pride and excitement.

"Richard, repeat after me." And he said the same shit I'd had to repeat before it was Ricky's turn. "I, Ricky Olson, take you, Chris cerulli, to be my lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and health, life and death, happiness and sadness. For as long as we both shall live." Ricky shakily put the golden ring onto my ring finger and looked at me. I shot Ricky an amused look and he smiled back. "By the power invested in me, I pronounce you...husband and husband. You may now kiss your uh...partner." And with that, I wrapped my arms around his waist and swung him, so he was dipped down, the way it happened in movies and shit.

His arms went around my neck instantly and our lips connected hungrily. I heard a round of applause and me and Ricky stopped kissing, keeping our arms around each other and keeping each other close. I couldn't believe that I'd actually married Ricky, I mean I thought I was straight and yet look at me now. I'm married to Ricky Olson and there was nothing I would change. It was perfect, and I was finally happy and home.

"I love you Chrissy..."
"Love you even more Rickster." He shook his head at my nickname and kissed my cheek, cuddling up to me whilst everyone came up to us and said congratulations and shit like that. I wasn't really paying attention, all I could focus on was my husband and nothing in the entire universe could've stopped me from thinking about him. My mom ended up crying and Ricky took a step back, letting me comfort my mom. "I never...t-thought I'd see you g-get married!" She sobbed as I held her, making me chuckle. "I'm glad you did mom. I love you and dad so much, and so does your son in law." She nodded and went over to Ricky, probably to relay the same message.

When it was time for our first dance, I laughed at the song Ricky chose, because of course he'd choose Rebel love song. I hummed and sung along in his ear, watching as he shivered with delight. "...a passion crime, to takes what's mine. Let us start living for today. Never gonna change my mind, we can leave it all behind. Nothing's gonna stop us, no not this time. So take your hand in mine its ours tonight. This is a rebel love song. Hearts will sacrifice, its do or die! This is a Rebel love song!" I didn't notice that Andy was actually there, performing the song live until I glanced over. He nodded at us when Ashley, Jinxx, CC and Jake played the instrumental, showing his support. At the end of the song, I pressed my lips against my husbands and heard the audience applaud BVB and us, obviously.

When the wedding was over and the party had wound up, I swung Ricky into my arms and carried him bridal style to the limo, which we'd be using to travel to our honeymoon destination; Some remote island. Obviously we'd have to get into a boat, but for now I had Ricky and everything was better then it could've ever been. "I love you."
"I love you too, and I'll never stop loving you my little rebel prince."
(929 words)

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