42: I should've mentioned it earlier

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Dawn 42

I walk alongside Michelle, trying to separate us out from the boys. Even though it's been hours, she still won't talk to any of this. My head is pounding.

Minho glances at me from across the group. He bites his lips, gesturing over to her. It's at least nice to know that he is concerned about her rather than me. In response, I can only offer a shrug.

He walks over to me, pulling himself up right next to me. I lean my head into his shoulder, and he grabs on to me. The mountain is steep, and dangerous, and practically devoid of shade. Not that it matters in the night time.

He buries his hands in my hair, holding on to me. His hands betray him as they beginning to shake. I can feel myself crumbling into him. Giving in to his arms. I don't want to walk ever again. I hurt everywhere. There are real stars above us, but I don't care anymore. I don't need to search the Earth for meaning anymore. Everything I need is between my arms.

It's easier to give up than to believe.

"You're okay," he manages, kissing my hair. Holding me against him with full force.

Though Fry stops for us, Newt continues marching. I'm thankful that I matter enough to keep someone from leaving, but not enough to take everyone away.

Minho let's go of me first. He wraps an arm around my back, pushing us forward as we continue to dredge up the mountain. It's been hours, and there hasn't been a sign of Group B anywhere. Maybe there won't ever be.

I can't hope to find Leo again. We've been pulled apart too many times.

I feel a wave of nausea washing over me. I slip out of Minho's arms and kneel on the ground. My hands dig into the rocks, cutting them open as I throw up.

He's rubbing my back. Everyone stills around us.

"Should we get Clint to look at her?" Doug offers behind my shoulders.

I continue to throw up, ignoring the chatter around me. All that comes out is drool now, thankfully. I doubt that I've had enough food to actually eat.

Michelle is in front of me, helping me to my feet. She pulls us along, even though I feel like I could throw up. Minho tries to wrestle me out of her hands, but I am too busy to fight either of them.

"When was the last time?" Michelle whispers, trying to pry me out of his hands.

Minho stops fighting, as does Michelle. She stares at me, past her wild red hair. It looks like it hasn't been brushed in weeks, and it's so dirty at the roots that it looks like a different colour. Michelle brushes her curling locks out of her scarred face, stepping closer to me.

"Before we got to the Scorch," she continues, stepping forward. "When was the last time?"

I don't know what she is talking about. So, I don't step anywhere.

"What is she talking about?" Fry asks.

"I don't know." I continue.

Michelle isn't satisfied. She grabs my hands, pulling me closer to her. Minho struggles to rip me out of her grip, and Michelle knocks him aside with her elbow. Doug is quick to grab Michelle, dragging her back, and Fry and Newt are on Minho.

"How long have you known?" Michelle is calm. She fights back against Doug, I assume, because he is grabbing her. "You're pregnant."

My stomach drops. Everyone else breathes. While Doug drops Michelle, Minho stops struggling, I spin around between them, staring at us all.

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