Chapter One

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"Sally, you're not going to do anything with your hair?" Madeline asked as she pulled her silky, straight, brown hair off her shoulders and allowed it to flow down her back. They both stared at it in the reflection of the mirror before them. Salvatore was wearing an unpleasant face.

"No, I just assume leave it the way it is." She shrugged, and Madeline gave her a look. She knew her very well, and she knew when something was bothering her.

"What is it?" She asked, turning her to look at her, face to face. As their eyes met, Madeline couldn't help but appreciate the way the gorgeous designer dress looked that she let Salvatore borrow. It was a beautiful shade of lavender that sparkled authentically under any type of exposure to light. It was a plunging v-neck, which all the girls knew Salvatore's strong suit was her chest, and an open back. It was straight down with a slight train and slit in the skirt over her left leg.

"Well, nothing. I just know I need to do some work. I'm not sure if going out tonight is the best option, but somehow, I've let you talk me into it." Salvatore spoke with a hint of a smile, and Madeline returned a large one.

"I am pretty convincing, aren't I?" She gestured to herself pridefully. Salvatore just nodded. "Come on, Sally. Don't worry about it, we're going to have a wonderful time."

"Yes, get excited! This isn't just an average party we attend, it's a formal gala at the new agency underneath Coventry Entertainment! I promise you, this party is worth your time, Sally." Eleanor entered the room, gorgeous glittering earrings in her hands. She began to put them in Salvatore's ears, and they all marveled over her appearance. The three girls knew their best friend was stunning and something special, but she typically labeled herself as average. That was a word that no one who knew Salvatore would ever use to describe her.

"It sounds business related, and I hate business. If I'm going to a party, I'm going to party." Salvatore gave them all a look, wondering what the point of this gala was. Or, was it just another one of the many appearances they had to make for the media? The three girls shared a slight smirk amongst each other. Salvatore just stood there, confused as ever.

"It's just different this time. Trust us." Eleanor grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. Salvatore just nodded and decided she wasn't getting out of this one no matter how hard she tried. It wasn't that she hated going to the parties or was antisocial, she actually enjoyed the parties quite a bit. She liked meeting all the hottest celebrities and making interesting conversation with them. She was just really exhausted and when she felt like this, she wasn't very good company to be around. She didn't want to put anyone through that.

So, she was silent the entire ride there. Madeline's personal driver, Oliver Bennett, took them and dropped them off at the front of the modernized building. There was a small red carpet where paparazzi stood, taking picture after picture. Salvatore didn't realize this whole thing was such a big deal. She climbed out of the car after Madeline once Oliver had opened the door for them. One thing the girls always did to make Salvatore feel comfortable was all hold hands or lock arms, so they were one piece. They didn't have to do that, but they insisted. Salvatore had to admit, she appreciated it. It was a kind gesture. Typically in Hollywood, people seem good on the outside but never truly are on the inside. That wasn't the case for Madeline, Eleanor, and Jacqueline. Salvatore knew that for a fact. They were some of the best and most genuine people she'd ever met, kinder than most people who walk the streets. Salvatore loved to let the press know that about them, too. Everyone loved their friendship, because people could tell they were truly incredible people for some reason by the fact that they keep Salvatore around despite her lesser status. None of that mattered to any of them. They'd be the closest of friends no matter what.

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