Chapter Four

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Salvatore woke up the next morning, taking a quick shower and drying her hair. She didn't straighten it, allowing it to be in its usual wavy state that she didn't exactly adore, but everyone else did. She figured there was no sense in styling it considering they'd probably do something else with it when she got there. She pulled on a pair of leggings and a random t-shirt. They were just going to dress her when she got there, anyways. She didn't see the point in looking all dressed up just to go get changed and get dressed up.

Through all of this, Salvatore hadn't had the time to call the girls and let them know how her meeting with Sebastian went, let alone the spread she was doing this morning. Salvatore just wasn't asking questions at this point. She was quite literally just going with the flow. That was exactly what she wanted for her life, though. Unexpectedness. Now, she was going to live her life wondering what each moment was going to have in store for her. She figured that would just be until she got used to modeling, but she didn't know that there was going to be much more to it than that.

Finn knocked on the door of her house, and she answered it. "Good morning, Salvatore. You look lovely."

She stopped as she was slipping a warm coat on to give him a look. Lovely? She wasn't wearing any makeup, her hair wasn't styled, and she was wearing a tourist shirt that said something stupid about New York on it. "I have some other adjectives in mind, but..."

"Nonsense. Are you ready? Do you have any bags you need me to grab?" He asked quickly. She shook her head.

"I just have me and my purse, which I can carry. Thank you, though." She followed him out after locking the door behind her. He got the door of the black SUV for her, and she climbed in. Sebastian was sitting there, awaiting her. She sat down next to him, fastening her seatbelt. He gave her a look. "What?"

"You don't have to wear a seatbelt."

"I'm an advocate for safety." Salvatore replied. She always wore her seatbelt no matter what. That would be something he'd learn about her over time.

"Well, you look gorgeous this morning." He told her, giving her a look that she almost thought was him wanting to kiss her.

"And you too, huh? You know, you don't have to butter me up anymore. I've already took your modeling job." She dismissed his compliment. His eyebrows furrowed together at her. What was she talking about?

"I'm not trying to butter you up. I was simply letting you know I thought you looked nice." He told her, trying to get it through to her.

"Right." She muttered. "I'm not even wearing makeup. You'll think twice after they pile it all onto me when we get there."

"I couldn't tell the difference." He admitted. "And I know a lot about modeling. You have a wonderful complexion. You truly don't need any makeup, Salvatore. In fact, for the shoot, I think you should go without it."

She gave him an astonished look. "Do you want your ratings to go down by, I don't know, one-hundred-percent?"

"How can you say that about yourself?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"It's the truth?" She replied, but more so questioned it. Like she was taught to think that way, but didn't know if it were true or not.

"Are you nervous?"

"No." She shrugged. This wasn't such a big deal for her because she didn't care about it that much. She wasn't famous before, and she didn't care if she was now. Bedsides, what's the worst that could happen? Them not have any good pictures? They'll just edit one until it looks decent enough to put in a magazine.

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