Chapter Eleven

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Salvatore hadn't said one word since they got to the penthouse. She was lost in her thoughts, but so was Sebastian. He was still in denial that he needed to tell her anything, that she wasn't truly roped into all of this yet. He thought maybe he could avoid the reality of the situation a bit longer. It had also occurred to him that all the blood on the walls, it wasn't Salvatore's. She'd done that to someone else. He wondered where she'd learned how to do that.

He took her to the bathroom, urging her to take a shower and left some clothes for her. He told her she should get some rest after she'd done that, to which she said nothing. He just sighed and snuck away to his office. As he sat there and examined the files in front of him, he ran his hand through his hair. What was he going to do? Ignore it longer or do something? What could he do? Him and what army? It was no doubt that he was angry about what happened. He wanted him to suffer for everything he's done. But Sebastian knew he was a coward when it comes to him. He had seen what he was capable of.

It was well into the night when he'd stepped out of his office, locking it behind him. He noticed Salvatore on the terrace. He made his way over to her, watching her first as she slowly took a sip of whatever was in her mug. Maybe coffee, maybe alcohol, maybe both. She didn't look at him when she spoke. "I need to know what that was."

He let out a sigh, placing his arms on the railing and leaning onto it as he looked over the city. "Salvatore, I don't know what to say."

"You do know what to say. You know exactly what to say. You just aren't saying it. You never do." She spoke with so much pain in her voice as she finally looked over at him. He swallowed hard when she gave him that look.

"Please..." He mumbled out, and she looked away from him again.

"Fine." She got up from the seat she was curled up in and walked back into the living area. He watched her throw her mug into the sink and walk down the hall. He let out a long sigh for the millionth time that night. What was he going to do? Everything had gone to shit in the matter of a couple of hours. He looked up at the moon, shaking his head. What did he knew to deserve this? He knew what was thought of him, what responsibility was pinned on him, but it wasn't fair. He had no control over what happened, yet he was suffering the consequences. What his parents did was wrong, but he had no idea and couldn't have done anything about it anyways. That didn't change his love for them. They were great parents to him and he missed them everyday. They didn't deserve what happened to them.

Salvatore had went to find Finn. She remembered what he'd told her a while ago. She knew what she had to do. If Sebastian wasn't going to tell her, then she was going to find out herself. They constructed a plan, and she was going to put it into action.

Meanwhile, Sebastian knew he had to take care of things. He pulled some strings again with people he knew. They came and cleaned up Salvatore's house before the movers went and took what she wanted to bring with her and transported it to Sebastian's. Salvatore spent time putting her stuff where she wanted it, moving into the penthouse fully. She wasn't complaining. She had a bit of an understanding as to why Sebastian has so much security, and now she also wanted that much security. She felt safe here, she always did. Sebastian himself made her feel safe, though all she was focused on was finding out what was in his office. Sebastian could tell she was focused on something else, but he just assumed she was still affected by what happened with him. A week went by and they didn't talk about it. He didn't want to push her. One evening, Sebastian came in from work. Salvatore did her best to get him as drunk as she could, challenging him and making bets with him. She would taunt him, making him one-up her. They went to the bedroom, did what they wanted, and curled up together. "Salvatore..."

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