x1. Eleanor Cabanno

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(Ruby Hale)

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(Ruby Hale)

Dear reader,
If you in any case end up being interested in this story, at first, I THANK YOU!
It is my baby.
I constantly do everything I can so that your reading experience stays good.🤗
Thank you, x o x o

"Oh, my God.", her heavy breathing filled her lungs, as she was completely lost falling down the building.
After a long and aggravating jump, Eleonor Cabanno has found herself lying in some kind of net.

At least, she survived to tell this tale.

Entering Dauntless was what she dreamed of her entire childhood. Even her Aptitude test clarified that she belongs here.
In this net.

"Hey, anybody alive out here?", she heard a male voice call coming close to her.
In the bleak of a moment, she pulled herself together.
The boy, not much older than she, helped her take a stand.

"What's your name?", the boy inspected her with a serious look. She was still a little bit confused.

"It's El .. Eleo. 's Ellie.", she finally spoke clearly.

"Seventh jumper, Ellie!", the boy declared openly and was followed by applause. "Welcome to Dauntless, Ellie.", he welcomed her and let her pass to Will and the other initiates in the group.
She took a stand next to some weird Abnegation chick and next to Will and Peter.

"We did it, El, did we?", Will whispered in her ear, but the Candor girl in front of them somehow heard him and automatically turned her head to see who is speaking.

"Yeah, it seems we did.", she grinned.

"Don't be so smiley about it.", Peter added, with a hint of a smile in the angle of his lips, still looking forward. "You have always been more of a bookworm rather than the fighter."

"As you would know.", Ellie rolled her eyes.
This was precisely why she left Peter Hayes six months ago while still in Erudite.
And one of many, many reasons why they ended it poorly.

"I thought I told you that the first rule of surviving around here is to keep your mouth shut.", the boy that helped her climb down yelled at them and she stiffed.

"Four, is that all?", the girl with long brown hair and kind eyes came out of the darkness.

"No, we need to wait until Eric passes the rest of them.", the boy, obviously named Four, said, and soon, the scream of the next jumper falling followed.


"Shall we sit here?", Will pointed at the free places at the table.

"Yeah, why not.", Ellie agreed, still sounding confused, and took her place next to him.

The dinner looked delightful, but it was far from the healthy food from Erudite she was used to.
But again, she knew where she was headed the first moment her blood drops fell on the coal.

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