Part 1 GLASS

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    "Get up!"

    "What the heck its like 4 in the morning." I say after being yelled awake.

    " I don't care I have to go meet someone in five minutes get out. You can walk to school." my mom says.

I never met my dad, apparently he was a crackhead or something and died before I was born. My mom likes to go hang out with her friend late at night and really early in the mornings. She says she does it so she can feel young again and like she doesn't have kids. Or more like she doesn't have me. She likes to say I killed him. My dad. She says the news of me pushed him over the edge.

   So don't mind me if I'm a little sad sometimes.

    I get my backpack and put on some shoes. I was already in a sweatshirt and some leggings so I didn't have to get dressed. I walk out of the house and head to the drugstore. Mainly because school doesn't start for a few hours.

Once I get in the store I go to the makeup isle. My mom doesn't give me crap so I have to get most of my own stuff. I ran out of make up the other day so I guess its time to shop lift. Again.

    I have like five dollars so I stock up on some essential makeup products and shove them in my backpack which is pre unzipped. I then go get a sub from the shop in the front of the store for lunch, payed, then left for school since I have a long walk ahead of me.

    I get to midtown high about an hour early which is perfect because then I can do my makeup in the bathroom. I do a normal face of makeup concealer for my bags from sleepless nights of self loathing. Blush and bronzer so I don't look dead. Mascara because well, I want to. And lip gloss because its not like anyone wants to kiss me.

I walk out of the bathroom to see that people are already here so I put on my head phones and walked to my locker.

    School goes smoothly but then I have to go home. I walk home because its not like I have friends to drive me. Once I get home I walk through the door and my mom is drunk throwing things across the shoe box of a living room. Then she see's me.


    I dont even know what came over me since she was always horrible to me but, on the way to my room I cried. It was like every nasty, horrible, discriminating thing that I have ever thought about myself just got proved in one action. I'm alone, I'm hopeless.

    I walked in the room and grabbed all my stuff and shoved it into a duffle bag. Tiers stained my shirt as I walked passed her to leave. Right before I was about to leave she grabbed her wine glass and threw it at me. My back is bleeding and I can feel the shards that got stuck in my back move around as I run, run away from pain, from torcher, but now the only place I have to run to is myself and that is terrifying.

    I walk to the drug store that I was at this morning to use the last of the money I have and get food for tonight. I walk in and pick out the food the go to the counter to pay. I try to not think about the glass I'm my back. The man was about to say hello but he took a double take at me then at something on the other side of the counter. He walks to the other worker and then whispers something in there ear. They both nod and he comes back and says

" Miss I'm going to need you to put your hands up and wait for the cops to get here."

    My heart stops of course I got caught, just what I need right now. I'm so done so well, I run.

Peter Parker➶➶ Hopeless Where stories live. Discover now