Part 10 avengers assemble

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       I guess I feel asleep. Because I woke up with a ton of people in the room analyzing me. "Let's run the test I think she's waking up." Some lady says.

        Then the room goes dark and I here a mans voice.

       " Look at what you've done. You kill everyone you love." He says as I see a vision of my dads grave.

Then next sight haunts me.

      I see Peter in his spider suit laying on the floor covered in blood, his body is limp and he's not breathing. I see tony pick him up, crying and carrying him away. It flashes to a vision of his grave. All the avengers standing over it with tears on there faces then they turn to me." Look at what you've done. We were happy and you ruined it. You took him from us." They all run at me then the vision goes away.

      The next one that pops up is a vision of spider man saying. " I was happy. You ruined me. I didn't need this, I didn't want this, I don't want you." He says the the light flashes on letting me sit in a room while a bunch of people look at me as I shake and sob into my shirt.

        " So the memory scanning worked sit but we still can't see who the Spider-Man is, she is holding on to that memory pretty tight." A lady says to the man who was with me before.

       " ok well I will with punish her and see if she loosens her grip on that memory a bit. Send everyone out." He says then walks over to me. He doesn't even talk. Once he sees that everyone is gone. The rest of that day is just me being his personal punching back. At the end of the day I say " end it. Please, end it all." With blood streaming down every inch of my body. Bones hurting and skin burning. 

      " I told you that you can't get out that easy.

                            PETERS POV:

      "GUYS I THINK I FOUNG OUT WERE THE BASE IS!" Tony yells from his lab. We all run in and see a map on the screen with coordinates out lined on it.

          " Avengers assemble." Mr. Steve says as we leave the lab at get ready for a battle. But most importantly to get (y/n) back. It's been a week and a half and I hope that we found her because I need her. And I miss her.
                        *At the base*

      We finally are here ready to get her back and everyone is very determined. The plan is that we will bomb the side of the base that has the least amount of heat signatures. Because we're guessing that they will be watching her closely.

     Then we will move in through the ruble and take out as many people as we can. Then search the rooms for her. It's kinda basic but it should work. So that's what we do. The bomb gets set off and we head in. I'm webbing people to the floor while iron man and the other avengers are taking out people left and right. I head through rooms and take out as many people as I can. I head to one of the last rooms in this part of the building and look in the window. There is one little light shinning on a chair with, her, strapped to it. I rush in the room and see she's knocked out so I try to wake her up.

                        (Y/N) POV:
I wake up to being shaken around like a maniac so I open my eyes. I see peter and just assume it's another vision.

      "Leave me alone please I don't have time for this is you want to hurt me then just kill me I'm not going to tell you anything." I say trying to finally just end it I don't wanna try to hold on. I'm not worth it. I just hurt people.

         "What are you saying I'm not going to hurt you I want to bring you home. (Y/n) your not hopeless because your all the hope I have left. I need you. I need you to hold on. For me. Please. I'm sorry. I promised. But I couldn't keep it and that was wrong but I need you to stay with me, come home with me please."He says which really confuses me because I was expecting for him to say something horrible but he's telling me he needs me. I reach up and put a hand on his face that's covered in a mask."peter?" I say. " ya it's me, let's go home." He says and ripped the chains off me and picks me up bridal style. So he tells the rest of the avengers who are apparently here that he found me and we're heading back to the quin jet.

                             *At the quin jet *

           "Mr stark is here." Peter yells seeing the avengers walk in. "Y/n" they all yell and run over to me. Nat gives me a hug and Bruce and tony hook me up to a machine for medical purposes. They all back away when they see peter walking up to me crying. " I'm so sorry. They took you because of me didn't they" He says sadly. "yes but it doesn't matter because you found me." I say back.

           Then he does something that shocked me. He says a sweet and gentle, " I love you." He says. What the hell just happend. Someone loves me? No one can love me. He probably means as a friend but that's fine because I'll take what I can get.I can't even proses what is happening and all my emotions flow out in tears.

       "No don't cry I'm sorry I don't have to love you if you don't want me too." He says in a very stupid but sweet way. I lean in and hug him. At first he was stiff in shock but he melted into it.

        "I love you too." I saw calmly. All the avengers string out a long

"AWWWWWWWWWW." And we separate looking down at are feet awkwardly. " now look what you've done, you embarrassed them." Wanda says scooting everyone out of the room and into the other side of the quin jet.

         Once everyone is out of the room I look at peter to see his face bright red. It's cute. He's blushing. He notices and looks at me too. It's my turn. I need to do something with my life. Make myself happy for once. So I take his hand and smile. His face lights up and I blush. It was like the whole past few days never happened. But then I got a friendly reminder that it did.

     "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I scream in pain as it feels like all my ribs are colliding into each other and crushing my heart in the process.

      " what's wrong!" peter says confused and worried like most of the time.

    " It feels like my ribs are breaking. AAAHHHH." I scream. All the avengers run in the room. 

      " what's going on" cap says worried.

"She says it feels like her ribs are breaking!" Peter yells. Bruce and tony run over to me and injects me with something while putting a breathing mask on my face. Then my eyes drift shut.

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