Part 12 dust

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A/N just a warning there is a lot of depression triggers in this chapter



     I wake up to see peter still sleeping. I look at the tv and see that it was still playing Star Wars but it muted. I feel peter move a bit and I look up. A strand of hair fell down on his face and I reach up to move it. His eyes flutter open as my hand caresses his face. He smiles down at me.

"Hi." I say in a whisper.

    "Hi" He says with a breathy smile.

     "We have a field trip today." He adds.

      "To where?"

       "Moma."he says blankly

       "We should get going then, we kinda slept in."I say looking at the clock in my phone that's sitting on the coffee table.

      "Ok" he giggles out.

         We're about to walk out of the apartment when I see that he is still warring my hoodie 

     "WAIT, I want one." I say loudly.

       "One what?" He says confused .

      "One of those." I say pointing to my hoodie that he's wearing.

     " oh, ok hold on." He says walking out of the room. He comes back in with a blue midtown hoodie.

    "here" he says with a smile.

      "thank you" I say

      We walk out of the apartment and take the subway to school. Once we get there we see the bus is about to leave and we run on and find out seats.

     "Hey Ned." I say as I sit down

      "Oh, hey y/n, hey Peter." Ned says. We just talk about random things like Star Wars and other nerd things when Peter suddenly looks startled.

    "I need you guys to make a distraction." He says as me and Ned look out the window.

    "HOLY SHIT-" I scream only for Ned to say,


    All the students run to that side of the bus as peter sneaks out the window on the other. And to quick for me to notice.

     After a bit I find peters phone in his seat as we're still driving. I unlock it and search threw tho contacts for,

     "HAPPY, happy it's y/n, I need you to pick me up at moma I think something bad is happening and I need to get to the facility."I practically yell into the phone.

   "Ok,ok chill I'm on my way." He says

***time skip brought to you by baby groot***

(At the avengers facility)

"Pepper!" I scream through the building till I run into her.

   "Hey kid, what's wrong?"she asks

"Peter, I think he might have gone on that ship trying to save the world or whatever shot he tells himself."

    "You don't think him and tony are-"

   "Yup,and I'm scared." I say as she frantically pulls out her phone.

"TONY, please tell me you're not on that ship-"

"Pep I'm sorry-"

"Mr.stark?" I hear someone who is obviously peter say as she puts it on speaker. "God dammit kid what are you doing here?"


"Y/n I'm sorry, I can't I- " tony then takes the phone back.

  "Pep, we can come back I'm sorry-"

  "Tony, please-"

  Then the line cuts out.

  Me and pepper sit on the couch in the lounge talking, crying, hoping that are horrible thoughts were wrong. But it felt hopeless.

~~~on titan about a day later~~~

* Snap*

"Mr. stark, I dont, I don't know what's happening,-"


  "Mr. stark I don't wanna, I don't wanna go, please." Peter cries as he falls to the floor.

  "I'm sorry"he says before fading away into nothing but dust.

   Just like half the universe.

———(y/n POV after a month)———

I haven't slept much. My eyes hurt. It feels like my lungs are vacuums and someone is once in a while turning them on. But the rest of the time there sitting in the corner of a dark basement catching dust.


Everyone, dust.

Mr. stark and peter haven't come back. I've lost all hope. Because it doesn't seam like there coming back.

   Then I hear it.

   "Everyone to the courtyard it's urgent." I hear Friday say.

   I walk lazily down the hall till I look out the window and see the cool carol lady carrying down from the sky a SPACESHIP.

    When I tell you I run faster then those last 3 seconds during the mile test at school in p.e I would be telling the truth.

    I get outside and see pepper and I sprint up to her. We both jog up to the ship only to see a blue girl walk out of it and MR. STARK. Pepper runs up to him unfulfilling him in a huge hug once they separate I run up and with out thinking say, "DAD" as I give him a huge hug.

    "Hey kid." He says sadly dismissing what I said.

  "Where's peter?" I question looking at the ship to see if he walks out. Tony puts a hand on my cheek and makes me look at him. He sakes his head no with tears welling up.


  I back away with tears in my eyes.

"Your lying, y-you, y-y-you have to be l-lying-g, I- i I what!? WHAT!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO." I scream now bawling my eyes out. I try to run onto the ship.

   " he-he has to be here." I say realizing he's not. I fall to my knees in wreak of cries only to get picked up by Steve and carried inside as he rubs my back.

   Once we get inside I go crazy. I mean like batshit crazy.

    "I DONT WANT TO BE HERE GET ME OUT OF HERE." I scream throwing and kicking stuff to the ground in my fit of rage.

   " we can't take you to peters we don't know if his aunt is still here." Natasha says sadly.

"NO I MEAN ALIVE, IT SHOULD HAVE TAKEN ME , NOT HIM, HE IS AN INNOCENT KID,IM A MONSTER, I DONT WANT TO BE HERE, I WANT TO GO, LEAVE, I WANT TO BE WITH HIM, I WANT TO BE DEAD., HE DIDNT DESERVE THIS." I scream running to the kitchen with tears falling down my face. I can hear rapid footsteps behind me as I go to the knife drawer. I grab a small sharp one. And turn around to see everyone starring at me with tears.

  "I'm sorry-"

  "Kid please I- "tony says but I then cut him off.

  "I'm sorry." I slide the knife into my stomach and as I fall to the floor I see them all race to me. Then it goes dark.

A/N holy shit 100 reads, thank you so much, even if you don't like my book that's fine I just want to say thank you for at least clicking on it and giving it a chance😔✌🏻♥️ luv y'all 3000

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