03 | : Drunk In Love

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"Hey you guys seen Rosey?"
My eyes moved to the door where I saw Otto's head of brown hair pop into the bus.
"Right here Otter!" I waved to the boy.
His eyes met mine and he grinned.
"Hanging out with Palaye still I see! What are y'all doing here the party is on our bus remember!" He grinned.
I rolled my eyes and made my way towards the door following Otto outside.
But before I was totally out of the bus I turned around and saw none of the guys had moved an inch.
"Well? You heard the man! Put on your best clothes and bring your favorite booze!" I encouraged them.
Instantly they all began running around, yelling back and forth at each other.
I giggled and gave the boys one last look before leaving and following Otto back to our bus.
I quickly took a fast shower and dried my hair before changing.

I straightened my long brown and pink hair before putting some light makeup on

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I straightened my long brown and pink hair before putting some light makeup on. I was putting on some light pink creme lipstick when I heard the bus door open and the more voices.
I smiled at the mirror and went to open the door when I was overcome with a nauseating anxiety.
What are you doing? Your gonna go out there looking like a slut? Look at your legs, all that cellulite? Are you trying to scare someone away?
Before I knew it I was bent over the sink, gripping the edges tightly as my breathing began to increase and my face began to flood with tears.
Suddenly the door opened. I snapped my head up and looked in the mirror to see Emerson.
"Oh shit so- Hey woah what's wrong?" He exclaimed coming in and closing the door.
I quickly turned away from him and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Hm? Oh nothing. It's nothing I'm fine. I just.. I need a sweater" I paced the bathroom slightly.
Emerson rushed forward and gently grabbed my shoulders before gently pushing me down to sit on the toilet lid.
Then he crouched down to my height.
"Hey don't put that wall up, don't be embarrassed. I'm here you can tell me whatever is bothering you" he grabbed my hands comfortingly.
"What if what's bothering me, is me?" I looked down at our hands.
"What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Look at me. I look disgusting-"
"That's enough. You are not disgusting, if I didn't A, have a girlfriend and B, already see you as my best friend I'd totally fuck you" he smirked.
My eyes widened and I blushed slightly before playfully smacking him upside the head.
"Shut up"
"But seriously you are the hottest chick I've seen in a long ass time, Remington agrees" he said the last part mischievously.
My face instantly flushed.
"Hey! What do you get out of saying that! You're just messing with me now" I smacked him again.
He just laughed before getting back on to his feet and pulling me up with him.
"You're fine! You look fucking beautiful, now let's get fucking shitfaced!" He grinned wiping my tears away and helping me fix my hair before pulling me out of the bathroom into the main area of the bus.
"Hey! Look who decided to show her face!" Geoff grinned ear to ear.
I rolled my eyes forcing a smile on my face.
I turned and stood on Awsten's bunk that was below mine and reached around in my bunk before pulling out a huge Admiral Nelson's spiced Rum.
"A rum girl? Now I didn't see that coming!" Sebastian teased.
"Yeah she is. That will be gone in a day that's why she gets 10 at a time" Awsten scoffed.
I rolled my eyes at him and took a swig from the huge bottle.
"I'm sorry I'm not a huge lightweight like you dumbasses" I shot back with a smirk.
Otto pouted slightly.
"I am not"
"Yeah right, you were dancing on top of the bus last time! How you got up there I've no fucking clue but I remember how you got down" I giggled slightly.
"Don't! Shut up!" Awsten shot daggers at me.
"You climbed down onto Awsten's shoulder and you both collapsed on to the ground and Otto crushed your dick with his knee!" I gasped between giggles holding my stomach.
Awsten glared at me.
"Fuck you Rosey" he shot at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah whatever"
"Cmon you buzz kills! You're not drunk enough!" Sebastian slurred.
I furrowed my eyebrows, and glanced at Emerson.
"How is he already drunk? He's been here ten minutes"
"He started when he woke up" Emerson laughed.
My eyes widened slightly and I glanced back at Sebastian.
Well, this will be interesting I guess

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